Just for Pets aims to raise £10,000 for Guide Dogs in 2016

Just for Pets, the specialist pet superstore chain, has set itself a fundraising target of £10,000 in 2016 for the Guide Dogs 'name a puppy' scheme...
For each £5,000 raised, Just for Pets gets the chance to name a Guide Dogs puppy and sponsor their first year until they enter one of the National Training Schools.
All stores fundraise throughout the year by having a collection box in store as well as organising their own events. In addition the entire company gets involved in Guide Dog Week, which takes place each October.
"We are very proud of the fact that through the generosity of our customers and the fundraising efforts of our teams we have raised over £40k to date. This means that we have named a total of eight puppies so far," said operations director Kate Byrne.
Puppies 7 and 8 are going to be named Mark and Sarah in recognition of two recent long service employees.
A spokesperson for Guide Dogs said: "Naming a puppy is a fantastic way for people and organisations to make a difference to the lives of people who are blind or partially sighted.
"Around 180,000 rarely leave home alone and without the help of fundraising schemes such as this we would not be able to help the number of people that we do.
"A total of 810 new guide dog partnerships were created last year and we have helped more people than ever before.
"It’s only through support such as this from Just for Pets that we’re able to maintain our lifelong commitment to blind and partially sighted people in the community as the guide dog service relies purely on voluntary income. We are so grateful for the efforts that companies such as Just for Pets put in to support us."