Scampers in Cambridgeshire took the bold decision to remodel its business as a ‘natural pet store’, choosing not to stock products from the major pet food suppliers. As a result sales have increased by 5% in the current financial year. Director Piers Smart explains why he chose to go down this route…
“A few years ago I walked into the store and, for the first time, began to question the effect that the big brands were having on our store display. It just looked like any Aldi or Netto superstore with hundreds of special offers and POS, which was turning our customers into promotion hoppers.
“In addition, I began to question the quality of the corporate pet foods and the lower quality meat content. Our own dogs were not looking well so I realised that things had to change and change quickly.
“Today, we are looking for independent, non-corporate suppliers of products high in meat content that have been wrapped in honest packaging that clearly displays the ingredients without making ridiculous marketing claims.
“Corporate companies have been disengaged from Scampers. Our primary focus is now on biologically appropriate pet foods with an emphasis on Biologically Appropriate Real/Raw Food (BARF).
“Our profitability is being maintained, and our workload has been slashed by not having to deal with the corporates’ continuous demands for promotions and meetings about meetings about meetings!
“We have much smaller regular deliveries that are much more easily handled.
"Just as importantly, we are not continually tied up chasing credits from the independents to return money due for running offers, whereas it was a continual battle with the corporates. In the current financial year our sales have increased by 5% and our margins by more than 2%. Our employees are motivated and our customers are happy.
“Our award-winning natural pet superstore has the UK’s largest and best selection of totally natural, BARF and high meat content ranges.
“Brands such as Acana, Almo Nature, Canagan, Lily’s Kitchen, MORE, Natures Menu, Orijen, Gentle, Symply, Taste of the Wild, Nose-2-Tail, Ziwi Peak and Markus Muehle bring massive health benefits to your dogs and cats. All these companies live or die on the quality of their products, not because they have mega marketing budgets.”
The full interview with Piers can be found in the latest issue of Pets International