Pet shop worker to run Great North Run in memory of beloved puppy
A pet shop worker, who was left hearbroken by the sudden death of her beloved puppy, is limbering up to take part in this year’s Great North Run in his memory.
Amy Charlotte Ryan was devastated when eight-month-old pooch Mango died last July.
The cute canine swallowed a slug pellett and never recovered.
As a way of helping with her grief, Amy, 25, of Hebburn is now in training to run the world’s most famous half marathon in September in aid of Blue Cross Animal Charity.
Amy said: “We first noticed that he was drooling quite a lot so we rang the emergency vet.
“We were hoping whatever it was could be disloged from his mouth.”
Reluctantly, Amy and partner Stephen McWilliams allowed him to be taken in by the vets for treatment.
“One of the vets said it was worth ‘giving him a chance.”
“I didn’t even realise it might mean that he could die. We really thought he would be alright in the end.”
Sadly, Mango, a working cocker spaniel, lost his fight for life after his organs shut down.
“It was horrible,” added Amy, who works at My Pet Stop in Washington.
“You just wouldn’t have thought a slug pellet could have done that, but it does happen.”
Now, despite not being a regular runner, Amy is hoping to do Mango’s memory proud by running the half marathon, which begins in Newcastle and ends in South Shields.
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