Meet the needs of all your customers this flea season

Beaphar UK is further strengthening its sales support for retailers this flea season, with a bigger and better offering that will help them to meet the needs of customers.
Building on the success of its iconic Beaphar FIPROtec Spot-On creative, this year Beaphar is highlighting its Beaphar FIPROtec COMBO range.
"We were the first manufacturer to take a combination flea spot-on over- the-counter, bringing increased sales opportunities to all retailers and giving access to a more convenient form of flea treatment to all pet- owners," explains Dr Sue Huggett, Business Manager, Beaphar UK.
"The great thing about Beaphar FIPROtec COMBO is that is fits perfectly into busy, modern family life. When used correctly it will prevent a flea infestation from occurring, allowing pet owners to get the job done in one treatment."
Beaphar FIPROtec COMBO protects both pets and homes with one simple spot-on application. It contains fipronil, which kills adult fleas, and the Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) S-methoprene. S-methoprene interrupts the flea lifecycle, preventing flea eggs and flea larvae from developing.
"Having successfully taken Beaphar FIPROtec COMBO over-the-counter, we now want to help retailers further. With our consumer campaign, which includes eye-catching point-of-sale, advertising and online activity, we can help them to build their customer base and make the most out of this year’s flea season. And it looks set to be a good one," says Dr Huggett.
The new point of sale builds on the iconic and striking design of Beaphar FIPROtec Spot-On. It includes a counter display unit, which has been specifically designed to hold all sizes of Beaphar FIPROtec COMBO so as to support every retailer. Also available are shelf wobblers and a consumer leaflet, which explains how Beaphar FIPROtec COMBO works in easy-to- understand language – ideal for use by both retailers and consumers.
But the focus is not only on Beaphar FIPROtec COMBO. Dr Huggett explains that the manufacturer is supporting the entire Beaphar FIPROtec Range.
"The fact is, while Beaphar FIPROtec COMBO is an ideal product for busy families, no two households are the same. Different families will have different lifestyles and different flea control requirements," says Dr Huggett.
"With this in mind, we have created additional materials to promote our original Beaphar FIPROtec Spot-On products, as well as the newest addition to the Beaphar FIPROtec Range, Beaphar FIPROtec Spray."
Alongside in-store activity, Beaphar will also be increasing awareness and education around fleas online. Throughout the flea season, blogs and flea facts will be shared across their social media platforms. This activity will support the entire Beaphar FIPROtec Range, encouraging pet owners to choose the solution that best suits their own pet, their flea situation and their lifestyle.
"By stocking the complete Beaphar FIPROtec® Range and taking advantage of all the sales support we have to offer, you can meet the needs of all your customers this flea season, and maximise your sales in doing so," concludes Dr Huggett.
For more information about the Beaphar FIPROtec Range or to find out how Beaphar can support you this flea season, contact your local Sales Executive, call 0333 0066236 or email