Town and Country Petfoods strengthens HiLife team

Town and Country Petfoods, the company behind the HiLife brand for cats and dogs, is strengthening its team with three new employees.
Juliet Soffe will be joining the Melton Mowbray-based business as senior national accounts manager, alongside new product manager Ashlie Langford and quality and specifications technologist Jaymini Tailor.
Juliet will be helping to grow the brand with key target customers including the major supermarkets where HiLife is stocked.
Ashlie is to become the first dedicated product manager within the business and will be responsible for helping the company stay ahead of trends, developing new lines and helping to shape the brand strategy.
In the new role of quality and specifications technologist, Jaymini will be working alongside suppliers and customers to maintain the brand and ensure that new products are brought to market.
Peter Parkinson, marketing director at Town and Country Petfoods, said: “We pride ourselves on our constant innovation and a market-based approach to product development which has helped us stay at the forefront of our market.
“We have strengthened our team to enable us to continue delivering our ongoing programme of new and innovative products. We are looking forward to Juliet, Ashlie and Jaymini joining the business and helping us to take the next steps.”
Pictured, from left to right: Ashlie Langford, Juliet Soffe and Jaymini Tailor.