FELIWAY FRIENDS tackles cat squabble problems
 Cats are known as solitary survivors, yet a recent survey found that 44% of cat owning households have more than one cat, with nearly a third of those questioned stating that they had experienced fighting and aggression between pets in the household.
Ceva Animal Health has launched an innovative new pheromone to help with this common issue, FELIWAY FRIENDS, which will join the popular FELIWAYCLASSIC F3 range. FELIWAY FRIENDS is the only cat pheromone clinically proven to help reduce tensions and conflicts in households with more than one cat.
FELIWAY FRIENDS is a synthetic copy of the cat appeasing pheromone (CAP) naturally produced by nursing queens to support their kittens after birth. This pheromone helps cats feel safe and secure and maintains a harmonious bond between them.
FELIWAY FRIENDS significantly decreases the intensity and frequency of signs of tension in households with more than one cat. In a recent study, 84% of cat owners believed there was a significant improvement in how their cats got on after using the product.
FELIWAY FRIENDS has been clinically proven to help in homes both with newly occurring fighting or ongoing fighting. Additionally the product also helps prevent unwanted tension and conflicts between cats after introducing a new cat/kitten to a home.
FELIWAY FRIENDS and FELIWAY CLASSIC can be used at the same time if the owner is experiencing conflicts alongside other stress-related behaviour problems such as urine marking, scratch marking and general anxiety.
Available as a 30-day diffuser and refill, FELIWAY FRIENDS lasts for up to 30 days and covers an area of up to 70m2. Its refill is convenient and easy to replace and comes with a peel off sticker as a reminder to renew the refill.
“Inter-cat aggression is a major problem in multi-cat households, with many cats experiencing stress in the home due to sharing resources,” comments Claire Russell, FELIWAY product manager at Ceva Animal Health.
“FELIWAY FRIENDS is a great support to encourage harmony in multi-cat homes. By introducing the cat appeasing pheromone and educating owners on resource management and how to create a cat friendly home, we can significantly improve feline relationships in our UK multi-cat homes.’’
Ceva Animal Health has launched a range of marketing material to support the launch of FELIWAY FRIENDS including an eight page pet owner leaflet and poster.
For information on FELIWAY visit www.feliway.com/uk.