Hilton Herbs rebrands cat supplements
Hilton Herbs has introduced modern, multi-lingual packaging for its cat supplements.
The whole range of seven liquid herbal supplements for cats has been rebranded to be more visually appealing for retailers. The tamper-evident dropper bottles not only have new labels but are now packed in their own brightly-coloured, multi-lingual single unit boxes. Each product is available in packs of six in their own ready-made ‘stepped’ display case.
Hilton Herbs says the new, modern packaging is designed to promote brand awareness in an increasingly competitive pet supplement market, whilst retaining the colour-coded category system that runs as a common theme through all the brand’s packaging.
The new look was launched to the trade at PATS Sandown and will be showcased to the export market at Interzoo, in Germany, in May.
Hilton Herbs has been manufacturing herbal supplements and healthcare products for animals for more than 25 years. All products are manufactured in the UK in a UFAS-accredited manufacturing facility using human-grade herbs.