Pet industry faces 'brain drain' as talented staff look for higher paid jobs, says recruitment expert
Recruitment specialist Lynda Ward, founder of Pet Trade Solutions, claims the pet industry is experiencing a 'brain drain', with many staff searching for bigger and better jobs...
“In over 15 years of recruiting sales and marketing personnel for the pet industry I have never experienced so many people leaving the trade," says Lynda. "Of course, we constantly identify and welcome excellent newcomers, but over the last six months we have lost far too many experienced, well connected professionals. They are leaving they a big gap in our still growing market." Asked why she thinks there’s a ‘brain drain’, Lynda answers: “In some instances people are in a so-called glass ceiling situation, and seek a bigger role, whileothers have felt they have been treated poorly in some way by their employer. But currently the overwhelming reason is to go for a better salary.” On the subject of salaries Lynda says: “There has been a gear-shift in salaries over the past year and I will elaborate on that subject another time, but it’s clear that we as an industry are still not keeping pace with others and as a consequence pet companies are losing some of their best sales and marketing people.” Lynda is always happy to personally advise on any aspects of recruitment and marketing strategy and can be contacted on 07946 743784 or at