In This Issue
Dragons’ Den investor backs UK pet firm to become a global player
New dog food launched in Pets at Home stores
Innovative pet firm seeks £500,000 funding on Crowdcube
Cornish firm unveils dog bed that costs £1,500
New range of pet beds from Animology
Cotswold RAW flattered by mistaken Heston association
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Pet shop owner fined over waste disposal
Business owner escapes jail after duping customers into thinking their pets had been cremated
Skinner’s appoint new Managing Director
Pets at Home lends a hand to brownies
Skinner’s Pet Foods sponsors point-to-point races
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Pictured: There are some advantages of working from home...Neil gets instant hugs from Billie-Jean, the Lancashire Heeler.

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Cotswold RAW flattered by mistaken Heston association

It’s not every day a fledging pet food pioneer is mentioned in the same breath as such British foodie luminaries as Heston & Waitrose...but that is actually what has happened to award-wiining Cotswold RAW.

It’s no exaggeration to say that 2016 has already been a fantastic year for rural start-up, Cotswold RAW.

Sales are buoyant, new listings plentiful  and this summer’s ever-expanding County Show tour provided yet further proof that the ever expanding ‘raw’ portfolio are perfectly placed to broaden yet further the appeal of artisanal pet food offerings.

Better than that, Cotswold’s debut at the prestigious PATS pet show this September provided the perfect stage to win their first national award - Pet Quip’s Best Innovation 2016

And yet, despite all these incredible ‘feather in cap’ highlights nothing quite prepared the Cotswold team for the cacophony of phone calls that engulfed Cotswold HQ the day Heston launched his latest Waitrose seasonal offer, which by a complete quirk of fate arrived in stunning packaging that married human bodies with animal heads, a look a little reminiscent of our treasured brand custodian Butcher’s Dog.

According to co-founder, Mark Lewis, "Naturally we’re flattered by any coincidence that aligns our fledgling brand with food legends like Waitrose & Heston. 

"Amalgamating human and animal characteristics is of course nothing new, a timeless style that harks back to Victorian times and that has been adopted by many of prestige propositions over the years (e.g. Speckled Hen’s dapper country gentleman fox). 

"Great minds clearly think alike which is why if Heston ever wanted to expand his recipe repertoire expertise to rustic raw sausages for dogs we’d be proud to work alongside him."

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