In This Issue
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PATS adds new Aquatics Zone to the 2024 TRADE show
Welsh dog treat business secures £150,000 investment package as it aims to double in size
Sustainable packaging initiative gathers support
Mr Bug wins prestigious Just Started award
Supreme triumphs in prestigious awards
Pet products shortlisted for Gift of the Year Awards
Research shows Gunnera species likely to be a hybrid
Fettle drives retail excitement with Pumpkin Powder
London dog owners worst for overfeeding pets
Retailers urged to stock Natures Deli food and treats
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Charlie joins Belgian company as UK sales manager
Retail Association says footfall number on high street 'disappointing'
Report celebrates sustainability milestones
Cani Cross competitor is SuperSonic
Biggest show for parrot owners returns
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Small pet specialist moves into dog treat production
Pet shop for sale at auction…for second time
New aquatic and reptile show launched
United Petfood acquires Dutch firm De Haan Petfood 
Henry Bell merchandising boost at garden centre

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Cani Cross competitor is SuperSonic


Cani Cross competitor Sarah Gillam and dog Sonic, which is fed on CSJ foods, secured a win at the British Champs to take the title for the third year in a row.


It was another great win to add to that in late October 2023 when the pair had returned from the ICF World Championships proudly waving the GB flag as Vice World Champions! 


Sarah’s dog Sonic, or ‘SuperSonic’, is a three-year-old Eurohound male and her ‘go to’ for fast 5k races. She said: “He’s about 29kg, strong, fast and just loves to run!  He is quite a sensitive boy and at home he is the soppiest dog who will always be cuddling you! He is also a total food monster and has to eat from a slow feeder!”


She currently has three dogs and when asked what qualities she looks for in dogs she added: “Our races are normally 5k so I need a dog with good speed but also speed endurance. A strong head and focus is also very important for racing. The dogs are part of the family so they also need to have a lovely character and be easy going at home!”


Sarah said the greatest challenges she faces are keeping herself and the dogs fit, and peaking both of their fitness to their key races.


She is also committed to encourage more young people to train as handlers by providing inspiration and education by hosting workshops and potentially travelling the country introducing and training more people in the sport. “I’d just love more people to be aware of Cani Cross and for it to actually be classified as a sport of its own,” she said.


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