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Pet lover makes successful switch from supplier to retailer


A former head of training and sales at a pet food manufacturer is putting her skills and knowledge to good use as she embarks on a new adventure…the launch of her own pet store.


Katie Parker has opened Pickles Pet Pantry with partner Jack Avery and her parents in the market town of Olney in Buckinghamshire, and already the store is proving to be a big hit with customers.


Katie took a few minutes away from her busy schedule to talk to Pet Trade Xtra about the new store.


How long have you been planning the store?

We began thinking about the store around six months ago, however the true planning started only four months ago. I was head of training and sales for a pet food manufacturer and I felt our town had such a gap in the market.


How did you choose a name for the store?

We are a family that love to adopt animals and we always adopt from Animals in Need in Northamptonshire. My Dad had rehomed a small parrot called Pickle from them, and sadly after a very short but happy time with my parents he passed away, leaving them quite sad. So, my partner Jack and I felt it a nice tribute to ensure Pickle remained part of the family. We decided to use the term Pantry as we aren’t stocking the ‘usual products’. Instead, we’re stocking brands that we believe in and less varieties, because we feel we should be selling products we know and love.


Is it true you are focussing on natural products?

Yes, our focus is on natural products, and products we know, love and have trialled with our own animals or friends have trialled for us. We have a bit of a zoo at home, meaning we've been able to trial cat, dog, bird, rabbit and guinea pig products. My parents live rurally so the wild animals and birds even helped us!


Why have you decided to take this stance?

We wanted to make natural products affordable for the regular consumer. I also believe using higher quality products to ensure they last longer, and feeding high quality food to improve health. Having worked in the pet industry for five years I've been able to see so many brands and pets and I felt it was time I helped pet owners to decipher what it all means. Ultimately our aim at Pickles Pet Pantry is to help animals and their families.


Was it easy to find the premises for the store?

The premises for us was easy to find, but we were in a race to the finish with multiple businesses wanting the property. We were lucky to be the only one applying for the premises that didn't have competition in our high street there hasn't been an independent pet store for quite some time in our town. We've been incredibly lucky to have such kind supportive landlords!


What has been the response from local pet owners so far?

We simply have been stunned by the pet owners of Olney, and the surrounding villages. Everyone is incredibly excited, and wanting to support local over larger or online businesses. We've had doggy visitors daily, in fact some pop in post walk to grab a treat to take home. We had never expected to be so well supported – in fact we've had to contact our suppliers for emergency restocks.


How many people work in the store?

At present it's only us as a family, and occasionally our friend who completed all our incredible artwork helps out. We are incredibly fortunate to have friends who are always willing to wear a Pickles Pet Pantry T-shirt and come to help when we are swamped. My three business partners (Jack, my mum Pam and my dad Dave) all have full time jobs outside of the shop. 


Have you got special events planned to drive people to the store?

We will be taking part in all the Olney Christmas events, and we are launching the Pickles Pet Pantry running club. Our Rescue Husky cross has a stress disorder and runs with my fiancé, who is an ex-county hurdling champion. He wants to help dog owners enjoy running with their dogs, even if they howl and bark! So many of the town’s dog owners have mentioned their embarrassment at their dog being noisy and we want to ensure no one feels that way! 


What are your hopes for the future?

We ultimately want to create a place where pet owners can come for advice, a friendly face and a treat for their dog. Pet ownership in this day and age is daunting and at times scary – we hope we can make the journey a little more fun! 


Pickles Pet Pantry is located at 24 High Street, South Olney, Buckinghamshire, MK46 4AA.

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