In This Issue
Industry giants invest in UK pet firm PitPat
Deadly diets and lazy lifestyles fuelling pet obesity time-bomb, warns vet charity PDSA
£3m investment doubles natural pet food firm's capacity
Pet store customers offered healthy treats for themselves well as their pets!
Pet Industry Federation appoints Steve Fowler as chairman
Rescue puppy becomes a hero in battle of the brands
Record product launch for Ruffwear
Pets Choice launches additions to Webbox Natural range
Squire’s new Pets & Aquatics Centre a hit with visitors
Get your own copy of Pet Trade Xtra
Pets at Home criticised for using rodent trap
£3m marketing investment to support pet food launch
WOOF&BREW to launch herbal 'wine' for dogs and cats called Pawsecco
Tetra enhances Goldfish range with award-winning FunTips
Vitalin team at Crufts 2017
Retailers needed to stock Kemps McCoy products
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Industry giants invest in UK pet firm PitPat

Two giants in the pet care industry – Royal & Sun Alliance and Neovia – have expressed clear confidence in the growing 'pet telematics' sector through recent equity investments in the UK’s leading provider, Pitpatpet Ltd. Pet telematics is a low-cost application that generates big data to improve business decision making...

Two giants in the pet care industry – Royal & Sun Alliance and Neovia – have expressed clear confidence in the growing “pet telematics” sector through recent equity investments in the UK’s leading provider, Pitpatpet Ltd.

Pet telematics, part of the burgeoning “internet of things” revolution, is the latest application of low-cost, lightweight sensing and measurement technology that generates big data to improve business decision making. (Visit for a 90 second video).

PitPat’s activity monitor is a simple and unobtrusive device that securely attaches to any dog’s collar. Working with a free app, it provides owners with an activity goal tailored to their dog, and measures how much exercise they are getting. This simple combination not only delights dog owners, but also promises to change exercise behaviour, just as it has in the human fitness monitor sector. The result could be happier, healthier dogs, and lower costs for dog owners and insurers.

Neovia, a leading global player in nutrition and animal health, invests deeply in innovation, science and research for product development and services. PitPat’s attractive consumer device and highly scalable data service provides Neovia with the capability to analyse data on the detailed exercise and feeding behaviour of hundreds of thousands of dogs. This could unlock new possibilities in dog feeding and other nutritional advances.

Hubert de Roquefeuil, CEO at Neovia commented: “We seized the opportunity to partner with PitPat because it totally fits with our interactive petline innovation field (connected objects and data platforms for dogs, cats and horses). In addition, considering the key positions that Neovia has in France and in the growing international pet food markets in Latin America or Asia, we see significant opportunities to access more accurate data that is valuable for our clients, and to offer the connected propositions we plan to develop.”

Royal and Sun Alliance, owners of the MORETH>N retail brand, had been searching for the right provider of pet telematics technology to help extend their pet insurance offer to support owners in keeping their dogs healthy for longer, and not simply looking after them when they fall ill. PitPat offers RSA an immediate and market-ready solution to that need, allowing them for the first time to extend their successful telematics-based approach in motor insurance into the pet sector.

RSA Global Connected Insurance Director Kenny Leitch said: “It was immediately clear to us that PitPat was the right choice for our pet telematics ambitions. Their intense focus on low-cost and large scale is exactly what’s needed for the insurance market.”

PitPat Founder, CEO and former Dragons’ Den contestant Andrew Nowell said: “We’re delighted to welcome these two industry leaders as investors and partners. Their business insights and access to large-scale markets will help us deliver our current and future products to a global market.”
Deadly diets and lazy lifestyles fuelling pet obesity time-bomb, warns vet charity PDSA

A deadly diet of treats and table scraps, coupled with a couch-potato lifestyle, is fuelling a pet obesity time bomb, leading vet charity PDSA has warned. Now it is urging pet owners to ‘skip the treats and hit the streets’ to tackle the growing problem. The charity’s call comes as it kicks off its national pet slimming contest: PDSA Pet Fit Club...

A deadly diet of treats and table scraps, coupled with a couch-potato lifestyle, is fuelling a pet obesity time bomb, leading vet charity PDSA has warned. Now it is urging pet owners to ‘skip the treats and hit the streets’ to tackle the growing problem.

The charity’s call comes as it kicks off its national pet slimming contest: PDSA Pet Fit Club.

New findings from the charity’s PAW Report reveal a staggering 5.7 million* UK pets (3.4 million dogs, 2 million cats and 260,000 rabbits) are fed treats every day. Loving but indulgent owners admitted ‘treating’ their pets to a range of dangerous foods including crisps, cake, cheese, chips and takeaways.

A further 3.9 million pets (2.4 million dogs, 1.5 million cats and 30,000 rabbits)** are also fed table scraps or leftovers as their main meals, further adding to the weighty problem.

PDSA vet Rebecca Ashman explains the reasons behind owner behaviour: “We love our pets and owners often enjoy showing their love by giving food.  Nearly half (44%) of owners told us that they give treats because they believe it makes the pets happy, and over a quarter (27%) do it to make themselves feel good. And 13% confess to giving treats because their pets beg, puppy dog eyes are hard to resist.

“Treats and human food can be high in fat and sugars which are bad for pets’ waistlines and teeth. Some foods, like chocolate, are poisonous to pets and can even be fatal.”

Lack of exercise

Bad diets aren’t the only problem: millions of pets are not getting enough daily exercise. A shocking 1.6 million dogs (17%) aren’t walked daily, some of these are never walked because their owners mistakenly believe that playing in the garden is a suitable substitute. Cats are missing out too: according to PDSA research 440,000 cats (4% of the population) don’t exercise daily– including running climbing or playing.

Sadly, these diet disasters and lazy lifestyles are taking their toll, with the charity estimating that a third of dogs and a quarter of cats are now overweight or obese.

Seventy-eight percent of vet professionals believe that pet obesity has increased over the past two years. When asked which three issues will have the biggest health and welfare implication in 10 years’ time they picked obesity as the top one.

Help is at hand

To help battle the bulge PDSA is launching its twelfth annual Pet Fit Club competition and is inviting owners of overweight and obese pets to take part in the UK’s biggest and most successful pet slimming competition.

“Prevention is always better than cure,” said Rebecca. “But even if pets are already overweight or obese, this can be tackled with the right diet and exercise. Over the years our Pet Fit Club competition has helped transform some of the UK’s fattest pets into fit and healthy animals,” said Rebecca.

“Owners have the ability to make a real difference to their pet’s health and happiness.  PDSA is encouraging anyone concerned that their pet is overweight to enter them in Pet Fit Club.”

About Pet Fit Club

Pet Fit Club is a six-month diet and exercise programme, tailored and overseen by expert PDSA vets and nurses.  The charity will select up to 15 overweight dogs, cats and rabbits from across the UK to participate.

Owners can enter their pets at Entry forms are also available from PDSA Pet Hospitals and Shops nationwide.  The deadline for entries is Sunday 5 March, 2017.

PDSA Pet Fit Club was launched in 2005 and has already helped 78 dogs, 34 cats and 7 rabbits lose a total 68 stone 9lb - equivalent to a grand piano or 192 Chihuahuas.

Pet Fit Club participants receive free diet pet food for the duration of the competition, courtesy of Dechra.  The overall Pet Fit Club Champ, crowned at the end of 2017, will win a year’s free diet food and a pet friendly holiday, courtesy of Sykes Cottages.


Buddie from Blackpool

When it comes to food there is nothing that Buddie, a five-year-old Labrador from Blackpool, won’t eat. From lasagne and pasta to biscuits and curry, he will happily gobble up whatever he can get his paws on. But Buddie’s poor diet has come at a high price, and he has put on so much weight, he now struggles just walking to the end of the street.

Owner Janet Ingleson (63) from Blackpool says that, since she had a hip replacement last year, walking long distances has become a struggle. And when combined with the excessive calories, Buddie has gradually piled on the pounds. A recent skin infection on Buddie’s neck also made it difficult to put a collar on, so walks have become almost non-existent.

Vets at PDSA’s Pet Hospital in Blackpool say Buddie, who weighs in at a whopping 55.1kg (8st 9lb), needs to lose over 20kg, which currently makes him around 36% overweight. This puts him at high risk of developing serious health conditions such as diabetes, joint disease and even some cancers.

In addition to Buddie’s lack of exercise, Janet realises that naughty late-night treats have added to Buddie’s huge weight gain. She adds: “My husband spoils him and will sneak him biscuits and treats when I go to bed. I tell him not to but he doesn’t listen! He’ll also give him leftovers from our dinner: lasagne, pasta, rice – you name it, Buddie will eat it!”

Charlie from Glasgow

Chubby Charlie is so big he weighs more than double the amount he should!

The ginger and white tomcat should be around 9lbs (4kg) but actually tips the scales at over 1st 8lbs (10kg).

His owner James Gordon, from Shotts, near Glasgow, admits to having overfed his flabby feline and says his beloved cat has ballooned after being fed king-size portions.

James, (66), said: “I’ve had Charlie for about seven years. He was my granddaughter’s cat and she was moving home so asked me to look after him for a bit while she settled in but he’s been here ever since!

“It’s my fault he’s the size he is as I was overfeeding him. I was giving him wet food, dry food and treats on top. I’d also sometimes give him a bit of meat off my plate if I was eating something he liked the look of.”

But the supersized portions and a lack of exercise soon took their toll with Charlie, (8), who grew so big he was unable to groom himself properly.

James added: “He wasn’t able to reach areas of his body to groom, and the fur became very matted. I took him to PDSA’s Tollcross Pet Hospital in Glasgow and they told me he that he also had a heart murmur and urgently needed to lose weight.”

The diagnosis has shocked James and he’s desperate to get his beloved companion back to a healthy weight.

He said: “Charlie is really important to me so I’ve put him on a diet following advice from PDSA.

“He’s mainly a house cat so doesn’t exercise very much and I worry about the strain his excess weight is putting on his heart.  I want to do something about it.”

Zeus and Nala from Leicester

A king-sized rabbit, who’s so big he gets mistaken for a dog, is putting his weight behind this year’s Pet Fit Club – PDSA’s annual pet slimming contest.

Mighty Zeus, lives with his chubby ‘queen’ rabbit Nala at the Leicester home of owner, Sharon Close, 46. Sharon rescued them five years ago when they were found abandoned in a park with their litter of babies, during a freezing winter.

White bunny Zeus weighs in at over 1st 3lbs (8kg) – more than double the size he should be, while Nala is around (2lbs) 1kg overweight.

Sharon says Zeus’ colossal size is now legendary in her neighbourhood and he’s even been mistaken for a dog: “Zeus is absolutely huge and I can’t even lift him anymore. He’s not interested in exercising either, even when I put him in the garden.  He just sits there.’

“One time I took him out the front and a neighbour said “shouldn’t that dog be on a leash?” When I told her he was a rabbit her mouth nearly hit the floor!”

While Nala is a smaller type rabbit, known as a Lionhead, she is still carrying far too much weight.

Sharon said: “Nala is very fond of food and like Zeus she absolutely loves Ryvita crackers. I also feed them bags of salad, spinach and treats which I hide in their hay.

Their over-indulgence stems from Sharon’s love and affection, which began when she first encountered the rabbits: “When they were found in the park, it was freezing. Zeus was sitting on top of the babies to keep them warm so I think he’s a hero. They’ve had a tough start in life and I suppose I wanted to compensate for that.

“I love them both dearly, they’re my life. They’re both quite old now so I can’t make them exercise too much, but if I had my time again I wouldn’t have fed them so much.  I can make small diet adjustments now though and hopefully some of the weight will come off.”

She said: “When I first adopted them they would sit in the corner of the house and were petrified. Whenever Nala saw a hand she would tremble uncontrollably too, so she was obviously abused.”

In addition to eating everything Sharon gives them, the rabbits have also have a bad habit of nibbling on the furniture: “They also love chewing my sandals, which is their favourite hobby.”

* 36% of dogs, 19% of cats, 17% of rabbits

** 26% of dogs, 14% of cats, 2% of rabbits

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 4,252 dog, cat and rabbit owners aged 18+ who live in the UK.  Fieldwork was undertaken between 21 and 30 June, 2016. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of the population by pet species (cat, dog or rabbit owners) and the owner’s gender, age and region.

Extrapolations to pet population figures are based on the following estimates of pet populations in the UK: 9.4 million dogs, 11.0 million cats, and 1.5 million rabbits.
£3m investment doubles natural pet food firm's capacity
Naturo Pet Foods has undertaken a £3 million investment in its plastic tray manufacturing facility in Moy, N. Ireland, enabling it to more than double production of its quality, natural dog food...

Naturo Pet Foods has undertaken a £3 million investment in its plastic tray manufacturing facility in Moy, N. Ireland, enabling it to more than double production of its quality, natural dog food.

The investment is a result of increased demand for Naturo pet food products and the company’s commitment to producing the highest quality pet food. 

Everything in the Naturo range is made with 100% natural ingredients and 60% high quality meat using predominantly Irish and British meats which are world-renowned for quality. The range contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

Explains Claire Mc Cann, Naturo brand manager: “This is a significant investment for our business and one that we feel has strengthened our position in the market at a time when more and more pet owners are looking for more natural food choices for their pets.  Independent pet shop owners are increasingly looking to meet this demand and our upgraded facility enables us to help them achieve this.”

The manufacturing facility upgrade has led to an extension of the factory building, new meat handling system, installation of a second high-speed filling line, robotic loading and unloading system and a robotic palletiser. 

The fully automated process, using the latest technologies, has increased the speed and efficiency of the overall production process, boosting production capacity and making the company more competitive in the process.

A high level of care and attention is given to the manufacture of Naturo dog food throughout every stage; from sourcing raw materials to delivery to customers. The process is audited externally by the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and Naturo’s quality systems comply with the best as their “A grade” status confirms. 

This investment also echoes Naturo’s commitment to strive to provide an excellent level of service to existing and new customers.
Pet store customers offered healthy treats for themselves well as their pets!

Visitors to the award-winning Scampers Natural Pet Store in Cambridgeshire will now be able to buy a healthy treat for themselves as well as their pets thanks to a new start-up business called The Allotment Catering Company...

Visitors to the award-winning Scampers Natural Pet Store in Cambridgeshire will now be able to buy a healthy treat for themselves as well as their pets thanks to a new start-up business called The Allotment Catering Company.

From a converted vintage horsebox in the car park at Scampers, Suzie Crippen from The Allotment Catering Company will be tempting customers with a wide selection of natural snacks and drinks every Thursday to Sunday from 10am until 4pm.

Piers Smart, managing director of Scampers, said: “It's a great addition to our business and fits with our thinking. We have had loads of burger wagons wanting to come on site but said no every time.”

The Allotment Catering Company is a new venture that Suzie started in December, and it offers Fair Trade, organic ingredients and uses only eco-friendly and disposable food packaging, which is 100% biodegradable, compostable and sustainable.

“After our customers have shopped and are ready to drop, they can refuel with one of Suzie’s Grumpy Mule organic coffees or Fair Trade herbal teas,” added Piers.

Also on the menu are fresh organic soups, baked breads andf cakes. Suzie’s products are all homemade and, where possible, locally sourced and organic.

Suzie came up the idea of The Allotment Catering Company after becoming ill a few years ago.

“Because of my illness I changed my diet and started eating healthy meals,” she said. “It also got me thinking about the catering industry, which I’d worked in for a number of years. I thought it would be different to come up with a healthier alternative to burger vans and fast foot outlets.

“The reaction to the customers at Scampers has so far been great, and I can’t thank Piers enough for giving me this opportunity.”

Piers admitted he was really pleased to welcome Suzie to Scampers. “The Allotment Catering Company offer natural and healthy, just like the treats you buy for your pets at Scampers,” he said.

Scampers Natural Pet Store is located on the A142 Soham By Pass, between Ely and Newmarket and only 15 miles from Cambridge.

For more information view the company's Facebook page

Suzie can be contacted by email

Pet Industry Federation appoints Steve Fowler as chairman
The Pet Industry Federation has announced the appointment of Steve Fowler as its new chairman.Steve brings a wealth of experience to the position, having been a director for 17 years and seen it transition from a charity to a successful membership trade association...
The Pet Industry Federation (PIF) has announced the appointment of Steve Fowler as its new chairman.

Steve brings a wealth of experience to the position, having been a director for 17 years and seen it transition from a charity to a successful membership trade association, increasing in numbers and with a growing range of business benefits.

He was the worthy recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2016 PIF Awards for his outstanding contribution to the pet industry. He has also been an influential leader of PIF’s Event Committee which oversees the organisation of the annual PIF Forum.

"We are delighted that Steve has accepted the mandate from fellow board directors to become chair," said Nigel Baker, PIF CEO.

"His experience as a long-standing director and as a successful specialist pet retailer, combined with his fantastic network of contacts, make him an excellent appointment and we look forward to what he will bring to the position."

Until April 2016, Steve was MD of PamPurred Pets, a pet retail group in the south of England which he established with his wife, Debbie, in 1981. He oversaw its growth to 50 stores before it was sold to Pets Corner in 2016.  Steve has two daughters, Sam and Tash; a dog, Izzy; Pebbles the cat, two tortoises and variety of pond fish.

Steve said: "I’m honoured to have been entrusted with the role of chairman and look forward to working more closely with Nigel and the team to help shape the direction of the trade association.

"It’s an exciting time for PIF. Membership is growing and our lobbying work as the voice of the pet industry is stronger than it’s ever been. We are also looking forward to developing initiatives to raise awareness of our members and the importance of pet ownership to members of the public. 

"PIF is working towards establishing a framework for broadcasting in a more effective manner the benefits of pets to humans. I look forward to building on some excellent foundations and seeing PIF continue to grow in membership and influence."
Rescue puppy becomes a hero in battle of the brands

A two-minute film entitled 'When Harry Met Hero' produced by pet firm HOWND in the lead up to Christmas has proved to be a fantastic success with an audience of over 2.3 million...

The weeks leading up to Christmas are now defined by the battle of the brand adverts. But despite the huge budgets invested into mini-films from retail giants, this year’s real winner is a small pet product company from Hertfordshire.

HOWND launched its first brand movie for Facebook entitled ‘When Harry Met Hero’ on December 12. The two-minute film documents the relationship between a boy and a rescue puppy as they grow up together.

It aimed to promote the adoption of rescue dogs ahead of Christmas, following the popularity of the #AdoptDontShop campaign against puppy farming.

Viral engagement

Within a month since release, the film has been watched over 2.3 million times on Facebook, sparked by a period of mass organic sharing.

At the time of writing, the film has been shared almost 55K times and accumulated more than 300K engagements from Facebook users. By comparison Sainsbury’s ‘The Greatest Gift’ advert has generated 859K views on Facebook and 10K likes.

“Our film is performing even better than we anticipated and the organic engagement is overwhelming. Every day, thousands of dog lovers around the world continue to post positive comments and share their personal stories with us,” explains Jo Amit, the co-founder of HOWND who wrote the original script for filming.

“It’s had an impressive reach across Europe too. For example, Hundeurlaub - a German dog-friendly travel website - posted the film natively to its Facebook Page, generating 32K shares and just short of 1.8 million views.

“I think the reason it’s performing so well is because most dog owners can relate to the emotions we communicate in the story. It has a familiarity to it, which gives the characters a timeless feel.”

Directed and edited by Toby Stewart of Crocodile Films and produced by Ben Owusu, the movie reflects the special bond we have with our dogs over a lifetime. Aged 20, Toby was determined to create a mini-film that could compete with the most popular Christmas brand adverts.

“Having had dogs in my family since I was three years old, I have experienced the positive feelings associated with growing up with a dog,” explains Toby.

“Creating a short film is a challenge given the limited time to tell a story whilst building a personal connection. The main difficulty was fitting a wide range of emotions into two-and-a-half minutes. The bond shared between Harry and Hero engaged people of all ages and nationalities. They say you should never work with children or animals, but in this case I’m happy I did!”

Promoting rescue dog adoption

When Harry Met Hero starts with a chance encounter at a local fishing pond between a nine-year-old boy called Harry and an abandoned puppy, later named Hero. Realising Hero is alone, Harry convinces his mother to adopt him.

They subsequently navigate through the years as loyal companions, taking on the challenges of adolescence and adulthood, while creating timeless memories as inseparable best friends. The film ends with an ageing Hero wanting to rest instead of playing with Harry, in the same location they met 10 years ago and to which they regularly visit.

“Almost everyone has experienced a special connection to a dog that endures over the years. It’s sometimes difficult to describe such a bond in words - but we feel that Harry and Hero represent this idea beautifully on-screen,” adds Jo Amit.

“The story was inspired by my family’s own experience with our rescue dog and the bond our son has with him. Being advocates of the ‘Adopt Don’t Shop’ campaign, we had a very clear idea of what we wanted to communicate in the film.”

“This isn’t a unique story by any means - but that’s what makes this movie special. It’s a celebration of the connection between a dog who is rescued and a boy who wants a companion, a feeling that many of us have experienced.”

#WhenHarryMetHero is now available to view on HOWND’s social media channels - including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. It can also be viewed on the brand’s official website.
Record product launch for Ruffwear

Performance dog equipment brand Ruffwear has launched its largest ever product development range, fuelled by demand for the brand and rapid sales growth world-wide. The Spring/Summer 2017 range sees new product additions and developments across canine harnesses, leashes, collars, backpacks and boots...

Performance dog equipment brand Ruffwear has launched its largest ever product development range, fuelled by demand for the brand and rapid sales growth world-wide. The Spring/Summer 2017 range sees new product additions and developments across canine harnesses, leashes, collars, backpacks and boots.

Best-selling harness range now even better

Europe’s top selling premium Front Range Harness receives a colour-refresh for SS17 with added colour options along with new matching Front Range Leashes.

The range extensions were introduced after feedback from consumers across Europe highlighted a demand for a wider colour variety plus the option to match harness and leash. The range now offers styles in pink, orange, green, blue, purple and grey.

Advanced orders of the new products were strong prior to the official launch at the beginning of February and sales continue to grow.

The Front Range Harness is designed for everyday use. It features four points of adjustment and comes in size range XXS to L/XL, making it comfortable for dogs of any size and shape. The harness is made from durable fabric and has two points of leash attachment, one on the chest and a v-ring on the back, to help with control. It also has an ID pocket and reflective trim for safety.

The Front Range Leash is strong but lightweight and pocket-friendly. It comes with a padded handle for comfort, a swivel clip allowing one-handed attachment, an accessory loop plus ‘traffic’ handle for quick restraint.

Popular assistance hiking harness the Web Master, which features a secure design for even the best "houndini dog", has been refreshed with new colour options, now coming in grey, red and blue. The harness features five adjustment points, two leash attachment points, anatomical design and a padded handle for balanced lifting.

Keeping canines cool this summer

Keeping dogs cool in hot weather forms part of Ruffwear’s heritage. The company launched their first product, the Quencher collapsible food and water bowl, back in 1994. SS17 sees new additions to the summer range, available from April onwards.

The Swamp Cooler vest keeps active dogs cool through a combination of evaporation and reflective material and offers full cover for maximum shade. It features three-layer construction for efficient cooling with wicking, absorbent and comfort layers. It has a leash portal so can be worn with a harness and has reflective trim for safety.

New to the range this season is the Jet Stream vest which features the same three-layer cooling construction, is lightweight and designed for fast-paced activities. Finally the Core Cooler chest panel is designed for use with Ruffwear packs and harnesses and made for all-round outdoor wear.

Packs go urban

The Ruffwear pack offering also expands, with the addition of the Commuter Pack, inspired by rucksacks and designed with an urban edge. The pack features three leash attachment points, efficient load carrying and a padded handle. It is made from comfortable yet tough material with leather trim for added style.

Best-selling packs the Palisades and Approach have been refreshed with enhanced design.

The Palisades Pack, designed for camping and backpacking, is based on the Web Master Harness frame, offers a five-point customised fit, stash pockets, gear loops, two leash attachment points, padded handle and cross-load compression. It has detachable panniers in a new construction to make it more stable in use when carrying heavier loads.

The Approach Pack is made for hiking and features five-point adjustment, a harness suspension detail for stability, saddle bags, stash pockets and gear loops.

Boot pairs for paws

Ruffwear’s canine boot range includes the Grip Trex for hill and mountain use, the Summit Trex for everyday use and the Polar Trex for extreme cold conditions. All boots now come in pairs as well as sets of four, making them the ideal choice for rehabilitation when stability is crucial.

The full range can be viewed at
Pets Choice launches additions to Webbox Natural range

Pets Choice has now introduced several new lines to its Webbox Natural range, which was successfully launched last year. New products added offer a variety of treat and foods that are 100% natural to ensure pets stay in tip-top condition...

Pets Choice has now introduced several new lines to its Webbox Natural range, which was successfully launched last year. New products added offer a variety of treat and foods that are 100% natural to ensure pets stay in tip-top condition.

Natural Heart Trays are a patented heart shape alu tray, available in three tasty flavours – Salmon in Jelly, Duck in Jelly and Chicken in Gravy.

Webbox has also introduced a single-serve convenience pack to its Natural wet cat food range. The 50g pouches come in two varieties – Meat in Gravy and Meat in Jelly – and offer a selection of flavours, including Chicken in Herb Sauce, Beef in Cream Sauce and Game and Vegetable. The smaller serving sizes ensure less waste and more satisfaction.

Made in Lancashire and individually wrapped for freshness, Webbox Natural treat bars are packed full of fresh meat, natural ingredients and rich in antioxidants. With no artificial colours flavours or preservatives guaranteed, the 60g bars are the perfect treat.

Natural treats for cats are available in three moist and meaty varieties, including Chicken Fillet, Tuna Loin and Duck Breast.

“We know that pet owners want to ensure they are feeding their pets the very best food available and Webbox Natural offers just that," said product manager Zoe Hardaker. "The existing range has been very popular and the new products offer a 100% natural feeding solution at great value for money.”

The new lines are available to order now and offer a number of shelf space solutions. RRPs for the range start from 70p for a single heart alu up to £1.99 for 6 x 50g pouches.

For further information visit
Squire’s new Pets & Aquatics Centre a hit with visitors

Squire’s Garden Centre in Badshot Lea held a special 'Pets & Aquatics'event last weekend to celebrate the opening of their impressive new Pets & Aquatics Centre...

Squire’s Garden Centre in Badshot Lea held a special 'Pets & Aquatics'event last weekend to celebrate the opening of their impressive new Pets & Aquatics Centre.

Families and children came to meet furry pets and scaly reptiles, and some brave volunteers even held and stroked spiders! Children could paint a bunny moneybox, and people came to get their dogs micro-chipped, and to get free veterinary advice from Carthcart and Winn Veterinary Clinic.

Following an investment of more than £100,000, Squire’s have really turned-on the wow factor in their Pets & Aquatics Centre, which has a stunning new look and layout, stylish new fish houses with the largest selection of fish in the area, and even free weighing scales for your dog.

Find out more about it here:

Squire’s Pets & Aquatics Centre is open every day. Plus on Thursday’s in term-time there’s a free “Meet Our Furry Friends” session at 9.30-10.30am and 4-5pm, where you can stroke some of the animals and learn more about them.

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Pets at Home criticised for using rodent trap
A national animal welfare charity has condemned the use of a glue trap device at a Pets at Home store in Inverness after a bird was severely injured when it became trapped in one...

A national animal welfare charity has condemned the use of glue trap devices which severely injured a bird trapped in one inside an Inverness pet shop.

The Scottish SPCA was called out to the Pets at Home store in the city’s retail park on Friday after a shopper made the shocking discovery.

Lisa Harvey, 28, of Tain, said she was “horrified” at the sight of the suffering animal as it frantically tried to escape from the glue board – used to prevent rats and mice eating pet food – under a shelf in the store.

A company spokesman said they were “distressed” to learn about the incident and that pest controllers contracted by the firm had used the traps without its authorisation.

Following a Scottish SPCA investigation into the incident the charity issued a further statement yesterday.

Chief Inspector Iain Allan said: “We were called out to a retail store in Inverness after a bird was caught in a trap.

“While the glue trap was legal, and the bird has survived, we would always recommend another method to catch rodents.

“The Scottish SPCA is opposed to the use of glue traps as they cause unacceptable suffering and are totally indiscriminate in what they catch, often ensnaring wild animals like birds and even pets.”

Their condemnation follows animal charity Peta’s call for a ban on the devices.

On Tuesday Mimi Bekhechi, director of International Programmes at Peta, said such “hideously cruel use of glue traps may violate the Animal Welfare Act 2006” which makes it illegal to case unnecessary suffering to any animal.

However the Pets at Home spokesman stressed that glue boards are used only only as a “last resort” under national guidelines which allow pest controllers with advanced training to use them effectively and humanely.

A spokeswoman for contractor Ecolab said that Ecolab Pest Elimination is committed to helping to ensure pest-free facilities for customers, adding that they had “initiated a review” of their recent service at the store and that a local leadership team visited the store yesterday. However, neither Pets at Home or Ecolab were able to reveal any details of the outcome of this visit.

£3m marketing investment to support pet food launch
Mars Petcare has announced the launch of Perfect Fit, a “super premium, advanced nutrition brand” for cats and dogs, and will spend £3m in marketing the new products...

Mars Petcare has announced the launch of Perfect Fit, a “super premium, advanced nutrition brand” for cats and dogs, developed in collaboration with vets and nutritionists at the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition and Banfield Pet Hospitals.

It said Perfect Fit offers products “which not only meet the nutritional needs of cats and dogs but will also provide a range of services that cater for their broader health needs, from exercise to mental stimulation”.

Elen Gyulnazaryan, Perfect Fit brand manager, said: “Super premium dry products are a huge opportunity for retailers, and we estimate that the combined value of the cat and dog dry market will be well over £400 million by 2020.

“We know that shoppers are increasingly willing to pay a premium for quality, plus they’re more and more health conscious in all aspects of their lives. So we’ve tapped into these trends and created what we see as a real “superfood” brand for pets – Perfect Fit – which we’re confident will drive growth in the category for retailers.”

A £3m marketing investment will support the launch, spanning TV, digital and a sampling campaign. A full range of POS materials will also be available for retailers.

Gyulnazaryan adds: “To launch a new brand in-store, we recommend that retailers do all they can to draw the attention of shoppers to the new product and disrupt the shopper journey, with a tailored message or call to action at each touch-point.

“We have developed a strong, distinctive brand that is noticeably new and unique to the category. The strong new logo, powerful use of colour and vibrant photography will capture the attention of shoppers, improving brand navigation and SKU identification.”

WOOF&BREW to launch herbal 'wine' for dogs and cats called Pawsecco

Award-winning UK company WOOF&BREW are to extend their range of healthy herbal teas, tonics and treats to include Pawsecco, a herbal wine’ suitable for both dogs and cats.

Award-winning UK company WOOF&BREW are to extend their range of healthy herbal teas, tonics and treats for dogs.

The company are introducing Pawsecco, a healthy herbal ‘wine’ suitable for both dogs and cats.

This product has been prompted by the fantastic response to Bottom Sniffer beer (launched last year), selling over 100,000 bottles so far, as well as many customer requests for cat products.

Co-founder and Managing Director, Steve Bennett, commented “Our customers love the idea of having a drink with their four-legged best friends and Pawsecco offers another lovely, healthy product alongside our doggy beer, Bottom Sniffer. Being suitable for cats too means the experience can also be shared with our feline friends, and offers owners of both dogs and cats the experience of a ‘family night in’."

WOOF&BREW’s range of healthy, herbal teas and tonics, which also now have an international presence, are proving highly successful nationwide in an extensive range of pet specialist outlets across the UK.

With seven blends available, including Anxiety, Skin&Coat, Senior and Ha-Pee Lawns (specifically designed to reduce urine burns on the lawn), all blends have been specifically designed to help with a range of conditions in dogs.

WOOF&BREW's range will be showcased at PATS Sandown in March.


Tetra enhances Goldfish range with award-winning FunTips
Tetra has expanded its Goldfish food range with its award-winning FunTips concept offering an interactive way for owners to feed their fish...
Tetra has expanded its Goldfish food range with its award-winning FunTips concept offering an interactive way for owners to feed their fish.

Providing essential nutrients, the adhesive tablets stick to the glass or decorative items within the aquarium allowing fishkeepers to get closer to their fish by watching them nibbling away happily. This also gives owners the opportunity to check the condition of their fish and their general health.

Containing shrimp with natural carotenoids to support their beautiful colour and a BioActive formula to promote a fully-functioning immune system, Tetra’s Goldfish FunTips provide a fun snack for fish. These tasty treats can also be fed as a complete and balanced food thanks to its high-quality ingredients and vital nutrients.

Ashleigh Foster, Tetra Marketing Manager, says: “We’re very excited to be expanding our Goldfish range with our award winning FunTips concept which really boosts interactivity with owners, especially children, by adding extra fun to feeding times. At Tetra we work hard to continually innovate so that we are able to provide simple solutions to fishkeepers that allow them to get even more out of their experience."

Great for in-store demonstrations, Tetra’s Goldfish FunTips are ideal for use in display aquariums allowing potential fishkeepers to engage more closely with the fish. Following the existing Tetra Goldfish packaging, Tetra’s Goldfish FunTips will be sure to stand out on the shelf and additional POS material is also available to support sales.

The new Tetra Goldfish FunTips are available in pouch formats from the end of January 2017 with an RRP of £1.50 for 20 tablets and £4.49 for 75 tablets.

For more information visit

Vitalin team at Crufts 2017
The Vitalin team will be on hand at this year’s Crufts to provide advice on feeding dogs of all ages, size and variety...

The Vitalin team will be on hand at this year’s Crufts (NEC, Birmingham, March 9-12) to provide advice on feeding dogs of all ages, size and variety.

All 2kg sizes of Vitalin dog super premium dog food will be available at a special offer price of £3.00 and shoppers will also receive a fantastic Vitalin hessian bag.

There will also be an on stand competition with the lucky winner receiving a year’s supply of their choice from the Vitalin range.

Nutritionists at Vitalin have created a range of super premium dog foods that are specially formulated hypoallergenic recipes that cater to a dog’s wellbeing and health.

The range includes Puppy, Sensitive, Adult Chicken & Potato, Adult Duck & Potato and Senior/Lite.

Vitalin Puppy is suitable for puppies aged between one-12 months and has been produced to offer a balanced complete food to maximise growth and development. 100% British Chicken and rice are used to provide high quality protein which delivers energy.

Vitalin Sensitive is made with 100% British Lamb and rice, to aid healthy skin and digestion. It is packed with nutrient botanicals and essential vitamins and minerals to help optimise health.

Vitalin Adult Chicken & Potato is a complete dog food to enhance your dogs’ well-being. This gluten and grain free food has 23% crude protein from 100% British Chicken and potatoes. Natural antioxidants from blueberries and rosemary are included to eliminate free radicals.

Vitalin Adult Duck & Potato has been carefully formulated as a nutritionally complete and balanced recipe for adult dogs to provide all the nutrients required for a happy and healthy life. This hypoallergenic, wheat gluten free and cereal free food contains high quality protein from 100% British Duck with potatoes, nutrient packed botanicals such as fruits, vegetables and herbs and joint supplements.

Vitalin Senior/Lite is for older and/or overweight dogs. Made with 100% British Salmon and potatoes this balanced food offers a low calorie diet that still provides dogs with all the nutrients and vitamins needed for good health and well-being. To help aid joint suppleness, anti-inflammatory foods like Burdock root have been incorporated.

For further information about Vitalin call +44 (0) 844 800 3347 or visit
Retailers needed to stock Kemps McCoy products
Kemps McCoy is on the look out for distributors, wholesalers and retailers to stock its two new products that eliminate foul odours...
Kemps McCoy is on the look out for distributors, wholesalers and retailers to stock its two new products that eliminate foul odours.

The products – 10ml bottle and a spray - have been trialed by a foremost association who are now stocking the products.

Both the handy-sized bottle and easy-to-use spray are designed to eradicate and eliminate strong and unpleasant foul odour in everyday situations, and are perfect for use by pet owners.

Interested companies should contact Doug Dunkley by email
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