In This Issue
Paramount Retail Group acquires Fetch, Medic Animal, Pet Supermarket and Pet Meds brands
National pet retailer opens 85th UK store
Struggling pet shop launches funding appeal
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WHIMZEES by Wellness treats makes dog dental care easy
Third of Britain’s dogs are overweight, says new research
Animal lovers needed to help plug grooming skills gap
Fabulous drag dogs sashayed down the catwalk
Purina offers £175k prize for pet-human bond initiatives
BVA calls for tougher dog breeding rules
Training programme launched as nurse training ramps up
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Pets at Home appoints Chief Consumer Officer
Ceva Animal Health announces new global commercial leadership team
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Finnish firm to showcase dog clothing to UK retailers

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Animal lovers needed to help plug grooming skills gap


There is a national shortage of dog groomers, and experts are looking for dog lovers in Kent to help plug the skills gap.

Thanks to the pandemic puppy boom there are 13million dogs in the UK, and this has led to a skills shortage in the grooming industry which is putting pets at risk.

Many popular cross breed dogs such as cockapoos and labradoodles require regular coat care to stay healthy, and with many salons struggling to keep up with demand, the industry desperately needs new recruits.

Anyone considering a career change is being asked by industry bosses to consider pet grooming, and become qualified in the skill to ensure that the industry is safe and well regulated.

In Ashford Kent the Four Paws Groom School offers iPET Network qualifications which are regulated by Ofqual, meaning that learners on any extended level 3 qualification can start their own businesses as soon as they qualify.

The school also offers taster courses, so that those curious about the profession can try it out before taking the plunge.

Sarah Sturley of Four Paws Groom School in Kent, said: "We really hope that 2023 is the year of dog grooming, as there really is a shortage of qualified groomers in the UK.

"Pet grooming is a fun and rewarding career, and you can earn in excess of £50,000 a year if you set up your own business. For many people working with animals is a dream career, and now is the perfect time to go for it. The dogs of Kent need you!"

To find out more about becoming a dog groomer the iPET Network has created a definitive guide which can be found at:

To find out more about Four Paws Groom School Kent go to: 

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