Agria Pet Insurance launch domestic rabbit policy
 Agria Pet Insurance is launching its own rabbit insurance policy, complementing existing cat and dog policies.
The new rabbit policy has a number of unique features that will be attractive to vet practices.
Potentially the most significant is cover for disease and accident dental care up to the maximum veterinary fees benefit. In itself the maximum vet fees cover at up to £2,500 is one of, if not the most, generous rabbit insurance covers available.
For rabbits that end up needing repeated dental procedures, this is a real lifeline. To benefit from the cover rabbit owners have to get an annual dental check with their vet every year and complete the recommended treatment..
Preventive healthcare is further encouraged with £25 available each year on higher levels of cover to help pay for health checks and booster vaccinations. Agria has also included travel and accommodation for referrals as part of its cover a benefit rarely available on rabbit insurance this will ensure that more rabbits get the specialist care they need when the condition warrants it.
Rabbits are being registered with vets in increasing numbers and the lifetime cost of rabbit ownership is now estimated at around £9000 but despite all this it is believed that many are still not receiving the healthcare they need.
There are a variety of ways that practices can work with Agria from displaying literature and giving pet owners the facility to set-up 4 week free cover notes for puppies and kittens, or becoming a fully-fledged Appointed Representative able to recommend the companys lifetime cover and activate free 5 week free cover notes for puppies and kittens.
Agria is one of the worlds leading animal insurers, specialising in small animal and equine insurance. Founded in Sweden over 120 years ago, Agria came to the UK in 2009 and is based in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire.