GA Pet Food Partners has announced the appointment of four new directors who will lead the company in future and help deliver success for its partners.
Chairman Roger Bracewell said: "GA is built on the three core values of Quality, Integrity and Innovation, and seeks to lead with these values every day. I am extremely pleased to announce that we have four new Directors who will lead GA in the future and help deliver success for our valued partners.
"GA's expertise in Pet food manufacturing is known throughout the world and our Freshtrusion process means we can provide partners with outstanding products using fresh meats collected at source. GA need visionary people to guide the company in the coming years which is crucial in seeking to make and deliver the world`s finest pet food.

"I am delighted that my two sons will join the board. James Bracewell, will lead the company in its European expansion, with William Bracewell, being responsible for manufacturing of all our products.
"Lois Woods joins as Sales Director in order to assist in building service, and John Hewitt will lead our Technical service team compromising of Marketing & Design, Nutrition, R&D, Projects.

"At GA we understand the importance of not just providing fantastic product but also outstanding service and I am confident that we now have the leadership team able to build value for our partners."