Holistic vet Nick Thompson joins Benyfit Natural's team of consultants
Leading BARF diet manufacturer Benyfit Natural has announced that leading holistic vet Dr Nick Thompson is to work with its advisory team of consultants.
Nick, who has been a great advocate of the bones and raw meat diet for many years and runs a successful veterinary practice called Holisticvet in Bath, has researched and used raw food to treat a whole host of medical issues in cats and dogs.
In 2014 he founded the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society (www.rfvs.info), an international collaboration of vets and vet nurses with a passion for species appropriate nutrition. As President of the RFVS he has unique insight into both the nuts and bolts of what people are thinking and feeding all round the world, together with deep appreciation of how the industry ticks.
Other members of the Benyfit Natural consultancy team include Morag Moseley, a qualified veterinary nurse and animal training behaviourist. She too is an advocate of 'species appropriate nutrition'.
Behaviourist Dr Isla Fishburn is passionate about creating a co-existence between people and wildlife and is also a member of Benyfit Natural’s team of consultants. Along with her extensive qualifications in the realm of animal behaviour and conservation, Isla works as an holistic dog behaviourist who has worked with wolves, wolf hybrids and domestic dogs for several years.
Other consultants include nutritionist Moddie Lambert. She is a qualified nutritionist (British College of Canine Studies – Health and Nutrition) with over 4 years experience of tailoring raw feeding solutions for dogs and cats of all breeds.
Finally, Trainer Inger Alexanderson, following a highly successful business career decided to utilise her life-long love of dogs by opening a boarding kennels, and combined this with running training classes for all breeds of dogs, but especially gun dogs.
For further information visit www.benyfitnatural.co.uk