In This Issue
Change of ownership saves pet shop from closure
Call for NHS health checks for middle-aged dogs
It’s Bring Your Dog To Work Day on Friday June 23
Rawhide in all shapes and forms
Charity dog walk raises £50,000 for dog rescues
New design studio to meet specific vet needs
PetLove launches consumer-focused website
Get your own copy of Pet Trade Xtra
Pets at Home hires Asda executive
Get ready to ‘paw-ty’ with Frozzys
May's Sales Monitor Results are 'concerning', says Bira
Revolutionising tear stain remover products for cats and dogs
CSJ’s cost effective without compromising on quality
The best of last edition of Pet Trade Xtra
Pet food firm completes £900,000 production facility
Funding helps treat supplier move into bigger premises
Pet food pioneer takes top sustainability award
Pet retailer welcomes law to microchip pet cats

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Revolutionising tear stain remover products for cats and dogs

WildWash is achieving remarkable results with its revolutionary tear stain remover products for cats and dogs. 


As a pioneering force in the field of natural pet care, WildWash has garnered global recognition for the unparalleled effectiveness and gentle care offered by its tear stain remover, as well as the tear-free facial wash. This innovative product line has transformed the landscape of pet care, empowering pet owners worldwide to provide their furry friends with the utmost care and attention they deserve.


Tear stains can be a common and frustrating issue for pet owners. These unsightly marks around the eyes not only mar the natural beauty of our pets but can also indicate underlying health concerns. Recognising this challenge, WildWash embarked on a mission to develop a tear stain remover that not only tackles the problem at its root but also embraces the power of nature.


At the heart of WildWash's Tear Stain Remover is a commitment to harnessing the potency of natural ingredients. Infused with carefully selected botanicals and enriched with vitamins, WildWash products offer a holistic approach to pet care. By avoiding harsh chemicals and artificial additives, WildWash ensures the gentlest care for both your dogs and cats while effectively removing tear stains.


One of the standout products in the WildWash tear stain remover range is their Tear-Free Facial Wash. This innovative formulation is designed to clean and refresh your dog's delicate facial area without causing any discomfort or irritation. The tear-free formula gently washes away tear stains, dirt, and debris, leaving behind a clean and radiant appearance.


WildWash tear stain remover products have garnered an overwhelmingly positive response from pet owners and industry professionals over the world. The unique blend of natural ingredients, coupled with extensive research and development, has resulted in a revolutionary solution that tackles tear stains effectively and safely.


Pet owners who have incorporated WildWash tear stain remover products into their grooming routines have witnessed remarkable transformations. Countless testimonials praise the remarkable reduction in tear stains and the overall improvement in their pet's eye health. The efficacy of WildWash products has made them an essential choice for pet owners seeking natural and effective solutions.


For more information visit

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