Society of Master Saddlers launches new website

The Society of Master Saddlers has launched a new website packed with easy to navigate information.
With a modern and fresh design, the platform includes a host of useful advice for both members, potential new members, horse riders, owners and supporters of the equestrian community.
Said SMS Chief Executive, Hazel Morley: “We felt it would be fitting as part of our 50th Anniversary year to develop and launch a new website that projected both our history and heritage but forward thinking approach and years of experience.”
The website includes areas for membership, training, craft, saddle fitting and news, as well as a search facility enabling visitors to find their nearest Member and Qualified Saddle Fitter.
The Society of Master Saddlers' new website showcases the depth of knowledge available to members and through eye-catching imagery brings to life the many aspects of the saddlery world.
Log on to for the latest news from the society and to have a look around the new website.