Pet shops in Surrey have been hit by a spate of burglaries within the last month and in the latest incident on Sunday night four charity boxes were stolen after a window was smashed.
The most recent burglary took place at the Two by Two pet shop in Frimley, when charity boxes for Arthritis Research UK, Cats Protection, RSPCA and Chimney Farm Rescue charity boxes were taken.
A man has been arrested by the police in connection with the Two by Two burglary.
It was the third reported instance of a pet shop being broken into in Surrey Heath in less than a month. Petfood Kingdom in Windlesham was broken into on May 26, and a neighbouring pet food store, Pets Corner in Hillier Garden Centre Sunningdale , was burgled on the same night.
After the latest attack, owner Andrew Backhurst was reported as saying: "It's just so low. It's not even proper theft is it?" He admitted to being bewildered as to why anyone would want to break the law for such a low amount of "change and shrapnel."
Staff believe the cash value inside of the Chimney Farm Rescue box was around £80, with no substantial amounts of money in the other boxes.
Surrey Police boarded up the broken window that was used to gain entry to the Frimley store and no other lasting damage was done to the shop. Some items were strewn across the floor when staff entered on Monday morning.
Picture taken from the Facebook page of Backhurst Animal Feeds.