In This Issue
The secrets of an award-winning sales rep
Dogs Trust issues warning after the release of the John Lewis Christmas TV advert featuring a pet dog
Searches for dog trampolines rocket following John Lewis ad launch
New partnership deal between Pets at Home and Petplan
Lifetime Achievement Award winner Steve Fowler misses the pet industry...and its people
What makes Pedigree Wholesale so successful?
Major pet companies book their stands at PATS Sandown
Pet retailers offered help with licensing as annual inspections loom
Britain's Most Dog-Friendly Pub revealed
Get your own copy of Pet Trade Xtra
Pets get their own Santa's Grotto on Saturday
Collarways is on the move…
Animal Instincts Snow Mates make the perfect Christmas display
Retailers and vets urged to help dog owners think H2Ovember
Arden Grange celebrates 20-year anniversary
Agria appoints new Head of Veterinary Business
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Pictured: There are some advantages of working from home...Neil gets instant hugs from Billie-Jean, the Lancashire Heeler.

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Lifetime Achievement Award winner Steve Fowler misses the pet industry...and its people

Steve Fowler stunned the pet industry earlier this year when he sold his PamPurredPets stores to rival Pets Corner.

To mark his remarkable career, Steve (above centre) was presented with Lifetime Achievement Award at the Pet Industry Federation Awards by Tom Page (above left), of sponsors Inspired Pet Nutrition, and actor and comedian Chris Barrie, who hosted the event.

This week Pet Trade Xtra caught up with Steve to see what he's doing with his free time...

What does this recognition mean to you?
My wife Debbie and I opened our first PamPurredPets store in 1981 in Ferndown, Dorset with the aid of a £3,000 bank loan. There were many ups and downs over the years but we made many lifetime friends during that time. Neither of us had any relevant qualifications and learnt the hard way, solving problems as they arose and always planning for another branch.During the journey I had the opportunity, which I happily accepted, to contribute to our whole industry by working with the Pet Industry Federation over the past 17 years, so this award does mean a lot to me. I was very proud to receive it especially when former winners have included names, such as Anthony Preston, founder of Pets at Home, and also Margaret Ferris, who did such a great job in launching training programmes that improved standards within pet stores in the UK in the late 80s.

What are you doing with your time at the moment?
I am currently catching up on gardening duties and trying to advance from crazy golf to the big course! In fact, improving my golf is proving to be more difficult than attending a PIF Board meeting.

Do you miss the pet trade?
Yes I do miss the pet trade, particularly the people. Thirty-five years is a long time to have spent working hard and I must admit I am struggling with not going into work and do feel bored on some days.

Was it a wrench to leave the industry?
Yes, Debbie and I  spent a long time considering whether we really wanted to sell our business as it had become an integral part of our lives.

Will we see you back in some capacity?
I have retained my position on the Board of The Pet Industry Federation and plan to continue helping with some events, including The Pet Industry Federation Forum & Awards. I am also trying to encourage our largest companies within the pet industry to work together in order that the benefits of keeping pets are given as much exposure in the press as the many negatives that are often printed. Looking ahead I will be seeking a non-exec or consultancy role within a pet trade company in order to keep me off the streets.

If you would like to contact Steve regarding consultancy opportunities email

Steve Fowler and Debbie Fowler, of PamPurredPets, after securing the deal to sell their company to Dean Richmond and Steven Charman, of Pets Corner.
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