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New Year resolutions to help pups and the planet


Agria Pet Insurance is sharing how combining regular dog walks with picking up litter can be the paw-fect New Year habit to help both pups and the planet.   


Increasing exercise is a common resolution for many and going on regular dog walks is not only beneficial for pup parents to increase their step count, but it’s a great way to maintain the overall health of your pup too.  


Becoming more sustainable and helping the planet is another common resolution made by many in January. As such, Agria’s ‘Don’t just pick up poo, pick up litter too’ campaign as well as actively encouraging others not to drop litter is a simple change that many can implement into their daily lives.  


Making these a new daily habit could help to ease the UK’s growing litter problem which is currently having a significant impact on the way dog owners conduct their walks. As such, over a quarter of owners (26%) are fearful that their dog will die whilst out on their daily walk as a result of harmful litter. 


A third (32%) of owners worry that their dog will come to serious harm, whilst 29% admit to changing their routes to avoid litter and a further 29% refuse to take their dog off their lead in certain areas.  


The results of this research highlight the urgency of adopting sustainable practices to combat the litter problem in areas frequented by dog walkers to create safer and more enjoyable environments for dogs and their owners in 2024. Increasing public awareness, responsible disposal of litter, and improved waste management systems are all positive New Year’s resolutions we can all make. 


To further awareness of this prominent issue, Agria has partnered with Paws on Plastic, a UK charity (no. SCO51306) dedicated to environmental stewardship, bringing invaluable expertise and a proven track record in fostering positive change. 


Paws on Plastic encourages dog owners to start the new year by picking up a couple of pieces of litter on walks to protect animals, communities and the environment. It also educates on the consequences of littering. 


Furthermore, the collaboration extends to the involvement of internationally recognised animal rights activist and model, Jodie Kidd. Jodie's passion for the cause and her influential reach serves as catalysts for broader awareness and engagement. Her commitment to the initiative underscores the urgency of the issue and appeals to diverse audiences. 


Janet Hughes, UK Sustainability Lead at Agria Pet Insurance, said: "These findings underline the importance of addressing the litter issue. As we enter a new year, this serves as a vital call to local authorities, communities, and dog owners to come together and work towards a more sustainable and litter-free future for the UK's beloved dogs. 


“It is crucial that we collectively take immediate action this year to tackle the litter problem in our outdoor spaces. The safety and well-being of dogs, as well as the environment, are at stake. By raising awareness and encouraging responsible behaviour in 2024, we can create a cleaner and safer environment for all. We’re hoping that as many people as possible - whether dog owners or not - join us to play our part in making a difference to our environment - every small effort helps and collectively we can have a big impact this year." 


Marion Montgomery, Founder and Chair at Paws on Plastic, said: “Our charity is delighted to partner with Agria Pet Insurance on this wonderful campaign. So many animals, including our precious dogs, are injured by litter dropped carelessly on the ground. As dog owners, we have the opportunity to take a simple action to protect animals when we’re out walking anyway.  


“It only takes a second for us to pick up a couple of pieces of litter and with 12 million of us in the UK, out a couple of times a day, it really does add up - actually reducing the amount of litter dropped, as studies show that fewer people drop litter when areas are clean. This is also a great New Year’s resolution to have because it feels great in terms of mental health to take a simple action which has an immediate and visible difference. We encourage all dog owners to get involved - we’d love to see your photos!” 


Find out more about how Agria, the UK’s only carbon positive pet insurer, is caring for the world we share with our pets, at 

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