Bags of James Wellbeloved pet food with very short use-by-dates have appeared on an auctioneer’s website, prompting fears that discounted items could be flooding on to the market place.
Pet Trade Xtra was alerted to the online auction of various lots, including a selection of pet food, by a reader worried that the sale of old stock could spiral out of control.
“I would like to make you and your readers aware that there will be hundreds of sacks James Wellbeloved cat food on the market with very short use-by-dates. These items are coming through a Nottinghamshire auction site,” he said.
The pet food was advertised on the website of John Pye Auctions at the company’s Nottingham branch.
John Pye Auctions said: “This is a Public Auction, not a consumer or retail sale. Lots include second-hand and used goods, sold as seen with no guarantees which is why public viewing is available and recommended.
The auctioneer went on to state there was “a wide variety of lots to include home electronics, gaming earphones, bluetooth speakers and bathroom fixtures and fittings plus laptop computers and selection of pet food.”
Public viewing took place on Saturday with the auction concluding on Monday.
Pet Trade Xtra tried to contact James Wellbeloved to see if the pet food company was aware of the auction of bags of its cat food but as yet we haven’t received a response.
Details of the auction can be found here http://www.johnpye.co.uk/project/public-auctions-nottm-7/