The dynamic world of ‘biologically appropriate’ raw pet food just got more interesting with the arrival of ambitious, rural start-up Cotswold RAW.Justifiably proud of its quintessentially English roots, Cotswold RAW has spent its formative months attending regional country shows to get a real sense as to how its next generation ‘raw’ pet food might be embraced by a well-informed foodie community.
The reaction was euphoric, especially regarding Cotswold RAW’s signature sausage format, a particularly proud eureka moment for the fledgling premium pet food provider that has been instrumental in helping both local retailers and consumers fully appreciate the discerning nature of a ‘raw’ based diet that marries the convenience of an easy-to-handle human food format with a nutritionally dense raw ingredient deck.
According to co-founder Chris Brierley: "Our mince range sells fantastically to existing raw diehards and bulk purchasers, whilst our small batch sausage offer is perfectly placed to convert traditional pet food purchasers to our premium ‘raw’ cause."
Although the well-versed arguments surrounding ‘raw’ have been gathering momentum for some while, Cotswold RAW were keen to go the extra yard in its quest to unlock the true ‘healthy living’ potential of a raw pet food. Cotswold RAW wanted an all-encompassing range, made from human-grade meat and veg, to mirror the traceability of products that residents of their idyllic heartland demand from their food; namely fresh, seasonal and local.
Cotswold RAW’s clarity of thought even extends to its actual range which clearly distinguishes an 80/20 (meat to veg ratio) Active Dog recipe from their 70/30 Less Active pet range.
Throw in a thoughtful, small batch mindset, a non-negotiable stance on cheap grain fillers and a strikingly packaged sausage sub-range that offers the independent trade something deliciously distinct from the everyday fare being touted by rival supermarkets and you start to appreciate why Cotswold RAW is really starting to make ripples within the wider raw arena.
"Short-term," Chris concludes, "we’re utilizing social media, quality regional magazines and agricultural shows to build our following and bed down our heartland, becoming the go-to raw guru and displacing some of the image-over-substance designer kibbles that own more shelf space than their quality deserves. We also have a significant amount of new product in the pipeline, including a working dog ‘Endurance’ portfolio, a bespoke Junior and Senior offer and a second tranche of more indulgent flavours: Duck, Rabbit & Venison."
For now Cotswold RAW remains the archetypal underdog but a dog with an insatiable appetite for future national success.
For more information visit www.cotswoldraw.com