In This Issue
Change of ownership saves pet shop from closure
Call for NHS health checks for middle-aged dogs
It’s Bring Your Dog To Work Day on Friday June 23
Rawhide in all shapes and forms
Charity dog walk raises £50,000 for dog rescues
New design studio to meet specific vet needs
PetLove launches consumer-focused website
Get your own copy of Pet Trade Xtra
Pets at Home hires Asda executive
Get ready to ‘paw-ty’ with Frozzys
May's Sales Monitor Results are 'concerning', says Bira
Revolutionising tear stain remover products for cats and dogs
CSJ’s cost effective without compromising on quality
The best of last edition of Pet Trade Xtra
Pet food firm completes £900,000 production facility
Funding helps treat supplier move into bigger premises
Pet food pioneer takes top sustainability award
Pet retailer welcomes law to microchip pet cats

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CSJ’s cost effective without compromising on quality


Those are the words of Chelsea-Anne Lee whose Ystwyth Racing kennel of rescue dogs (Kai, Nero, Bud, Wallace, Peps, Ted, Nala and Tide) has again had multiple wins in the sled-dog 2022/2023 season.


The focus this season was the Newnham Bark series held in Devon - known for its technical trails. 


Chelsea achieved:

  • Reserve Champion open rig with Wal, Nero & Kai 
  • Champion female short course bikejor with Kai

Tony achieved: 

  • Reserve champion male 2 dog canix with Peps and Buddy
  • Reserve champion male short course bikejor with Buddy
  • Champion open rig with Wal, Nero, Nala and Ted
  • Champion male bikejor with Ted

As well as the exciting wins detailed above and top placings at other events Chelsea-Anne and Tony are working on getting Kai and Nero back into the agility scene over summer.


Then, without pausing for breath, their youngest addition, Riptide, a 9month old Malinois is also working towards his BH title in IGP and the hoping to progress with further titles. 


Chelsea said: “He's our first puppy in a long time and we have exciting goals for IGP but also for heading to the Belgian Malinois World Championships (FMBB) to compete in bikejor when old enough too. It's big goals but we believe he has the potential to get there!


"We found that recently many multi dog households like ours that compete in sled dog sports in particular have really found switching CSJ cost effective for them without compromising on quality.”


For more on CSJ products visit or call 01745710470

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