In This Issue
American pet company buys WHIMZEES dental chew firm
Proposed changes to pet shop licensing welcomed by PIF
OATA pleased with DEFRA's Next Steps document
ACANA Enhanced Singles and Regionals launch in UK
Scottish dog clothing company unveils tartan fabric
AQUA 2017 promises to be the biggest and best yet
Lintbells offers free AMTRA-accredited CPD
Biggest rabbit ever seen by PDSA vets is set for diet
UK dog expert’s Taiwan trip helps break down barking mad stereotypes
Get your own copy of Pet Trade Xtra
Controversial Pets at Home store officially opened
Unlicensed 'pet shop' owner banned from selling pets
Paw-Ever Yours treats make Valentine's Day special for owners & pets
Heart-shaped toy set to be a winner for Best in Show
CEVA Welfare Awards - the shortlist is revealed
US dog food recall after euthanasia drug found
Glee to hold two shows a year from 2018 onwards
Pet food firm over halfway towards £250k crowdfund target
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Pictured: There are some advantages of working from home...Neil gets instant hugs from Billie-Jean, the Lancashire Heeler.

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Controversial Pets at Home store officially opened

A controversial new Pets at Home store in Berwick-upon-Tweed has been officially opened.

Pupils from Scremerston First School were joined by Cllr Isabel Hunter to open the new store.

Mark Adair, store manager, said: “What a fantastic start! Our opening weekend went even better than we had hoped and it was great to welcome Cllr Isabel Hunter and show her the new amenities that we have on offer at the store.

“Our new store features thousands of dedicated pet products for not only local dogs and cats but small animals, fish and local wildlife too. We have also created 12 jobs for the community across a range of full time and part time positions.”

The appearance of the store on the corner of Prince Edward Road and Ord Drive has received widespread public criticism.

Pets at Home say all colleagues at the new store receive extensive training on pet care and pet knowledge which is endorsed by City & Guilds.
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