One pet abandoned every hour, says the RSPCA
More people abandon animals during summer than any time of the year.
The RSPCA want people to be more aware of the whole financial and emotional costs of owning a pet
Every year the RSPCA is called out to rescue hundreds of animals across England and Wales after their owners abandon them and in many cases leave them for dead.
In 2015 2,751 animals were rescued by the animal welfare charity with a peak in admissions in July. Now the RSPCA is bracing itself for another summertime influx of dumped animals this year too.
It is thought one contributing factor of people dumping their animals in the summer months is down to some owners heading off on holiday and not finding anyone to look after their pet while they are away.
RSPCA Supt Simon Osborne said: "Every day our inspectors face cases where animals have been left abandoned in fields, dumped in boxes, left for dead at the side of roads and even left outside our animal centres and hospitals. It is just heartbreaking.
"These poor animals are often just dumped without a care for their welfare or what might happen to them.
"We will never know why these animals are just discarded like rubbish. All we know is that there is a real peak in the number of abandonments in the summer months - July in particular - and it is animal welfare charities like us at the RSPCA that are left to pick up the pieces. There is a huge strain on our resources at this time of year because of this.
"Many abandoned animals that are rescued by the RSPCA are very badly neglected and poorly so need urgent vet care and often hospital treatment."