In This Issue
HOWND's mini-film receives 1,000 views per hour
Cotswold RAW seeks £250k in crowd funding exercise
Evolution Aqua buys the Bermuda brand from Scotts
They’re barking mad for Christmas in Evesham
Bucktons launches new bulk suet range
Dog ‘brought back from the dead’ by PDSA vets
Get your own copy of Pet Trade Xtra
Pet shop faces closure over unwanted pets
Grain free Alpha Spirit available from Pedigree Wholesale
Pets Corner offers advice on helping pets to keep warm in winter
New investor for Independent Vetcare
Ceva Animal Welfare Awards 2017 – it’s not too late to nominate!
Welsh gundogs perform for the Queen
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Pictured: There are some advantages of working from home...Neil gets instant hugs from Billie-Jean, the Lancashire Heeler.

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They’re barking mad for Christmas in Evesham

The wonderfully wacky world of eccentric dog lovers and Christmas came together for The Valley’s Christmas Dog Parade on Sunday in Evesham, Worcestershire.

Hundreds of people dressed themselves and their most prized family member, yes that’s right, their dogs, in wonderfully wacky festive outfits, to join the parade at Evesham’s out of town shopping and leisure village.

Poodles dressed as elves, a Bichon Frise snowman and even a Santa Claus Pug came along in a custom made sledge! 

The event was the brainchild of The Valleys marketing manager Phil Maclean,  who set-up a Facebook event in the hope of attracting a few dozen entries, only to find over 200 dogs waiting to join in!

Commenting on the event Phil said, "We have over 100 acres of the countryside surrounding The Valley which attracts scores of daily dog walkers, so we thought the event might go down well".

He continued, “We were overwhelmed by the turnout and the effort people went too. It created a great festive atmosphere and showed the very best side of the good  British humour.”

Following its success, The Valley is already planning for next year’s event, hoping to provide a stage, lighting and live music to entertain the pouches!

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