In This Issue
On a mission to shake up the UK pet food market
Unique new store caters for both home and pet market
Dog advent calendar already a Christmas bestseller
What are the other top selling Christmas pet products?
Seasonal dog treat with all the trimmings
IAMS responds to demand for naturally sourced foods
Just 30% of owners ask vets for help in managing their pet's stress
Breakthrough Award for Wildwash Horse Range
Get your own copy of Pet Trade Xtra
RSPCA expecting hundreds of calls this bonfire night
Baby iguanas stolen from Nuneaton pet shop
Prisoner distressed by loss of hamster took part in jail protest costing £12k
Ancol welcomes Database & Website Coordinator
Dog expert gets tongues – and tails – wagging worldwide
TV vet set to star at National Pet Show
Pets at Home reaches 400th vet practice milestone
PFMA announces all-star line-up for Pet Food Seminar at Vet Show
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Pictured: There are some advantages of working from home...Neil gets instant hugs from Billie-Jean, the Lancashire Heeler.

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On a mission to shake up the UK pet food market

Edgard & Cooper has set itself a challenge: to shake up pet food with its 'honestly' fresh kibbles for dogs.

After showcasing its product range at PATS Telford, the company is now sharing the importance of fresh, which it claims is a unique message in the pet industry today.

Contrary to meat meal, or freshly prepared meat that has been frozen, Edgard & Cooper has developed a 100% fresh meat kibble, which is says is a world first. The kibbles are made using only good proteins that have never been rendered or processed.

Edgard & Cooper decided to launch in the UK after learning that Britain is helping to pave the way when it comes to pet health. As health and wellness is such a focus for consumers in the UK, Edgard & Cooper want to make sure that pets too can enjoy natural, nutritious, and no-nonsense food.

So, who are these disruptive mutts? Edgard is a French Bulldog who after becoming very sick on poor quality foods decided that he needed fresh food rather than meat meal based products. And Cooper? This extraordinarily fussy English Cocker Spaniel refused to eat from time to time and craved healthy food that would tingle his taste buds.

And so their owners, Koen and Louis, along with their friend Jurgen, set out on a three-year mission to develop a truly unique product: 100% fresh meat kibbles.

With its new offices in London Edgard & Cooper is focusing on delivering fresh to dogs throughout the UK. Soon to be available is a range of grain-free, gluten-free and even organic kibbles, tins and cups.

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