A pet-care service in Yorkshire has expanded beyond the county boundary for the first time, with a new franchise in Lancashire, and eventually intends to go nationwide...
In addition to the Southport operation, The Dog Walker, which is headquartered in Sherburn-in-Elmet, has also launched a new franchise in Silsden in West Yorkshire.
The business, which was founded in 2006 by Richie Womersley – Harrogate Advertiser series Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2013 – with just £500, now has 10 franchisees and is looking for more in other areas of the UK.
The Southport franchise has been set up by former English teachers Harvey Summers and John Taylor, and the Silsden operation is being rolled out by a former RSPCA main board director Mike Hogg, who spent more than 20 years with the charity.
He said: “I seized the opportunity offered by the latest round of restructuring at the RSPCA to restructure my own work-life balance. After researching animal care businesses nationally and meeting with Richie, I decided I liked its business model and animal-focused ethos.”
Mr Womersley said he planned to roll out the franchise framework nationally over the next couple of years, and hoped to start in Manchester and London.