Unique dog bowl stops water spillages to prevent dogs dehydrating
A new and unique dog bowl called PetWeighter prevents water spillages and helps to ensure dogs do not dehydrate in hot conditions.
A healthy dog should be drinking 0.5oz-1oz of water, per pound of body fat, each day, so a 65lb Labrador should drink a daily total of a quarter to half a gallon of water. In reality, many dogs do not drink sufficient amounts of water to keep them healthy, due to spillage.
PetWeighter was actually designed to ensure diabetic Schnauzer, Charlie, had enough water to stay as healthy as possible. Like most dogs, Charlie was prone to spilling his water because of constantly nudging and shifting his bowl. This not only deprived him of hydration, but also made it impossible for his owner to know how much water he had actually drunk, as opposed to spilling.
PetWeighter puts an end to the pondering over doggy water consumption. This robust, two-tier product has a removable bowl on top of a base that can be filled with water, sand, a combination of water or sand, or ice, simply by unscrewing a cap and then securing it again once filled.
A detachable bowl can be filled with food or water and replace to sit on top of the immovable base, which can weigh up to 13kg. That makes it impossible for even a large dog to push around the floor, tip or nudge, whilst little puppies can’t reach the elevated bowl can steal mum’s water or food.
Having the bowl at a greater height, 21 cm from the floor on which the base is sitting, also prevents humans from accidentally stepping into it, but has another benefit. Not having to bend to drink or eat puts less strain on the dog’s joints – a strain that could deter a pooch from wanting to drink the vital water that keeps it hydrated.
The detachable bowl can still be easily cleaned – even in a dishwasher – and then aligned with the base again and gently pushed back into place.
The PetWeighter is currently available as a large, red bowl on a dark grey base. Medium bowls, and both turquoise blue and pink bowls, will be available from September.
PetWeighter is a Peak Pet Products Ltd product, distributed by Igloo Pets. Its RRP is £28.99 and good margins are available. More information about stocking the product can be obtained from enquiries@petweighter.com, by calling Igloo Pets on 02392 474676, or by filling in an enquiry form at www.petweighter.com