In This Issue
The secrets of an award-winning sales rep
Dogs Trust issues warning after the release of the John Lewis Christmas TV advert featuring a pet dog
Searches for dog trampolines rocket following John Lewis ad launch
New partnership deal between Pets at Home and Petplan
Lifetime Achievement Award winner Steve Fowler misses the pet industry...and its people
What makes Pedigree Wholesale so successful?
Major pet companies book their stands at PATS Sandown
Pet retailers offered help with licensing as annual inspections loom
Britain's Most Dog-Friendly Pub revealed
Get your own copy of Pet Trade Xtra
Pets get their own Santa's Grotto on Saturday
Collarways is on the move…
Animal Instincts Snow Mates make the perfect Christmas display
Retailers and vets urged to help dog owners think H2Ovember
Arden Grange celebrates 20-year anniversary
Agria appoints new Head of Veterinary Business
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Pictured: There are some advantages of working from home...Neil gets instant hugs from Billie-Jean, the Lancashire Heeler.

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Pets get their own Santa's Grotto on Saturday

Two Midlands garden centres – Planters Garden Centre in Stafordshire and Garden King in Derbyshire – are hosting a special Santa's Grotto Just for Pets on Saturday.

In 2015 the centres, which are part of the same group, made the local news, radio and TV with BBC East Midlands Today recording a feature at the quirky, yet popular pet grotto!

This Saturday marks the return of the 'Santa Paws Pet Grotto' and tickets are already selling fast.

The centres are both expecting to welcome over 100 dogs and maybe even a brave cat or two!

Santa will see a new pet or family of pets every five minutes - so there will be lots of opportunities to snap pictures/video and audio of happy pooches!

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