Cotswold RAW’s summer roadshow gets under way

It may only be eight months since its inception but rural start-up Cotswold RAW has wasted little time establishing its own premium portfolio of ‘countryside inspired’ pet food.
With the all-important county roadshow having just started, Cotswold RAW has decided to respond to the ever-growing deluge of customer requests who’ve been requesting the presence of a meticulously fine chicken mince recipe for puppies.Co-founder Mark Lewis said: "We’ve always understood that no pet food portfolio is complete until it includes something for young pups looking to make the all-important transition from their mum’s milk to solid food.
"Raw is a very instinctive way of life that has served dogs well since the dawn of time, so the sooner a puppy can embrace such a nutritiously sound diet the better.
"Our Puppy proposition is based on our 80/20 recipe with the ideal calcium to phosphorous ratio for young tummies. The finer cut is ideal for smaller mouths and also includes our natural worming supplement - Diaturm - Diatomaceous Earth and Turmeric, which works alongside pumpkin seeds to provide an all-natural deworming alternative to unsavoury toxic chemicals." The latest innovation from the Cotswold RAW stable has been enthusiastically road tested by the team’s eclectic collection of pets – in this instance Chris’s latest litter of adorable Cocker Spaniels.
From Day.1 intuitive thinking has sat at the very heart of the Cotswold RAW offer which is why the Broadway based producer was the first to champion a full-bodied sausage as a convenient, portion-controlled entry point for new ‘raw recruits.’
Cotswold RAW also embraces the sort of stylish identity that’s specifically geared at pet emporiums, garden centres and farm shops looking to give raw an extra push by openly displaying the product whilst providing a welcome respite from the jumble of faceless ice cream tubs that have historically littered the raw fixture.
The Cotswold RAW’s summer roadshow includes: - Suffolk Show – 1st-2nd June
- Three Counties Dog Show – 9th-12th June
- Dogs Trust Day Out Ragley Hall – 18th June
- The Cotswold Show – 2nd- 3rd July
- Game Fair Stoneleigh Park – 23rd-24th July
- The Pet Show at Stoneleigh Park – 23rd-24th July
- Game Fair Ragley Hall – 28th-29th July
- PATS Telford (debut) 25th-26th September