In This Issue
It’s Bring Your Dog To Work Day on Friday week
Acquisition drives expansion for established pet firm
TRIXIE opens new distribution centre in the UK
GA Pet Food Partners wins Best Large Business Award
Rise in pet ownership boosts supplier’s profits
Jollyes unveils tie-up with Stroke Association at new store
Owners urged to ‘stop and think’ before buying English bulldogs
Pet company embarks on summer-long tour of UK
Henry Bell Wild Bird Care launches Everyday range
100% of fish used in Mars pet food sustainably sourced
Get your own copy of Pet Trade Xtra
Jollyes launches Poo Bag Champion award
Pet food brand highlights work of doggy donors
Vet charity raises awareness for pets living with diabetes
Puppy saved after wolfing down coins
Top tips for a cool pooch in the car
The best of last week's Pet Trade Xtra
Pedigree Wholesale opens new distribution centre
Interzoo export boost for exhibitors in PetQuip-organised group
Founder of Burns Pet Nutrition awarded MBE
Long Paws celebrates 10th anniversary with new collection
Pet food deliveries more than double in four years

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Top tips for a cool pooch in the car

Claire Harris, founder of the UK's first pet taxi franchise Pets 2 Places, has issued advice to dog owners planning to travel with their pets during hot summer days.


“With the hit and miss weather we have experienced so far this year, it is no surprise that us Brits are looking to hit the coast and parks and enjoy temperatures that will rival the med. Summer is finally here and who better to join us for an adventure than the family dog.


“Anyone who has travelled in a hot car, stuck in traffic etc, will know that it is far from a pleasant experience – no matter how great the tunes. This is especially true for dogs. But, with some forward planning, there is no reason that your furry companion needs to miss out.


 “Take a look at our top tips for travelling with dogs when the hot weather comes.”


Before you travel:

  • Make sure your air conditioning is working properly.
  • Research where you are going and check out the dog friendly areas ahead of time. You cannot risk leaving your dog in the car for even a minute.
  • Know where there is a vet nearby just in case.
  • If you are planning to be out for the whole day with the dog (travelling away from where you live), check the temperature before you leave – not just for when you are travelling but throughout the day so you can plan looking for shade etc.
  • Avoid them eating before you go out in the car to limit any car sickness.
  • If your dog does suffer car sickness, keep them in the middle seat (or boot) motion sickness and heat together can cause dogs to be sicker than they normally would be.
  • Don't forget the water and water bowl, so they have access to a drink

On the road with your pet

  • Use cool matts, you can chill these in the fridge for extra coolness for double coated dogs.
  • Avoid the hottest part of the day for travelling – especially with double coated dogs.
  • If dogs are panting, open the windows to let the fresh air in.
  • It may look cute but dogs with their heads out of the windows can get all sorts of dirt and bugs in their eyes and ears.
  • Carry water on board in case your dog does over heat, never put ice cold water on a dog, always use room temperature to cool them down.
  • As always, make sure you are using crash tested pet transport equipment to give your all your passengers that extra peace of mind.

Remember, even using all the above methods, dogs will still struggle with the heat in a car over an extended period of time. If your dog is over heating and you suspect heat stroke ALWAYS contact a vet immediately to seek professional advice.


“For more top tips on travelling safely with your pets, head on over to our dedicated Pet Travel Safety Day page where you can find out more about pet travel safety with our top tips and facts,” added Claire. “You can also share join in the fun on social media as we celebrate Pet Travel Safety Day on 1st July to help raise awareness on how to travel with pets.”

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