
In This Issue
Work starts on making PATS even better
GCA says Glee is still an important event
Pet Care Trade Association seeks new Chief Executive
Just For Pets reveals how it keeps its customers happy
Which are the best reptiles to stock?
Stock up on wild bird products for winter
Fresh packaging for Beaphar cat products
Feeding bowls stand up to rigorous testing
World first for organic pet food brand Lily's Kitchen
Johnson's adds to its poultry product range
Fun stories and pictures
Surfing dogs fail in world record attempt

A world record attempt involving dogs on surfboards has failed…
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Knitted dog coats raise cash for animal charity

These snazzy-looking knitted dog coats being modelled by Louis, Bracken and Jack have helped to raise over £200 for a dog rescue centre in North Yorkshire...
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Feeding bowls stand up to rigorous testing


Collarways put the Modapet feeding bowls through their paces before agreeing to become the UK distributor and launch the range at PATS.

ModaPet are unique, stylish bowls that address specific needs identified by pet owners. They are extremely durable, dishwasher safe, non-slip and non-toxic.

There are three styles of bowl – 2-cup, 4-cup and 5-cup – available in bright, modern colours. The bowls are made from food grade ABS plastic, which is BPA free. The material allows for a very durable product that withstands the roughest of treatment. So whether a dog carries the bowl or it gets knocked off the counter, ModaPet bowls survive the test of time.  

The bowls are finished with a glossy look, comparable to the appearance of glass or porcelain and have a hygienic white interior surface. The base is made from TPE plastic, moulded to the ABS bowl, creating a solid bond. This gives the bowls their anti-slip features while still making them dishwasher safe.

Collarways director Gabriela Lerner says: "As with all new products we have tested the Modapet bowls extensively before agreeing to become the distributor and I was amazed at the functionality and beauty of these bowls.

"We have tested the 4-cup True Blue with our German Shepherd and it's the first bowl that actually stays in exactly the same place where I put it down for her. It frequently goes in the dishwasher and comes out looking like new. After three months of use there is not so much as a scratch on this wonderful bowl."

For more information contact Collarways on 0845 4568395 or visit the website www.collarways.com



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