In This Issue
Pets at Home to close its Knutsford store in Cheshire
The UK spends an estimated £200m on wild bird care products
Whiskerlicking cat range from Lily’s Kitchen ready to hit the shelves
Mr Muscle extends range to include cleaning products aimed at pets
Battersea Dogs criticises 'pet replacement' app
Interzoo opens to news that the worldwide pet supplies market is worth 72.3 billion euros
Pooch and Mutt launch range of CANF dog foods
Exciting times for Wagg as it showcases new products to international audience
Precious Pets London get ready to tackle international market
Almo Nature unveil natural dry pet food
Naturally healthy, stylish and functional are the product trends for pets at Interzoo
Dog walker accidentally killed six pets after locking them in hot truck
Pet travel made safer thanks to AnimAlarm’s mobile temperature gauge
Veterinary nurse suspended for prescription fraud
Somerset woman scoops outstanding achievement award for dog duties
Lizards and an emu among animals stolen by pet thieves
Pet crematorium wins award for innovation
Pet Trade Xtra New Products Guide
Pet Trade Xtra – Circulation Report 2013
  • Total e-mails sent:  355,576
  • Issues published:  47
  • Unique readers (e-mail openers):  6,647
  • Average opening rate each issue:  28%
  • Average page views per month:  13,902

Source: Newsweaver Reports

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