In This Issue
Procter & Gamble set to exit pet food with sale of European business to Spectrum Brands
Heartache for Billy+Margot owner as her beloved dog dies from suspected poisoning
Natural Bakery acquires Hungry Hector brands
Pooch & Mutt founder to deliver 'internet masterclass' for The Guardian
Precious Pets London proves to be a big hit in China
OATA lobbies MEPs in advance of Euro Animal Welfare Conference
Lily's Kitchen launches Christmas range
Pets At Home Vets Group opens 300th vet practice
New wildlife habitats designed for city living
Pets’ key role in UK society should be recognised in party manifestos, says ProPets
Major launches and world class entertainment at Hagen’s Trade Exhibition
Raising awareness of the hedgehog carers
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BETA introduces breed specific nutrition
The UK’s Number 1* normal nutrition specialist brand is proud to announce the launch of the new BETA Breed Specific Range.
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Pets’ key role in UK society should be recognised in party manifestos, says ProPets

ProPets, a coalition of pet trade associations, is calling on political parties to recognise the benefit that pets bring to society in the manifestos they will launch in the run-up to next year’s election.

In a five point call to action, ProPets also wants to see all political parties commit to introducing school pets into the National Curriculum so that pupils learn about looking after animals and to introduce secondary legislation to ensure consistent welfare standards in pets shops and other organisations such as rehoming centres and breeders.

The coalition of seven trade associations has created a document highlighting the benefits to society of pets, the members and aims of ProPets and outlining what it would like to see in party manifestos, which has been circulated to key politicians in the biggest political parties. It plans to follow this up with another publication, to be sent to all candidates standing for election in May 2015. 

Keith Davenport of the Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association (OATA), who is currently acting as Chair of Propets, said: "The seven participating trade associations understand that we have common members and by co-operating can bring high level messages that we have in common onto the political stage at this vital time.

"At the last election we prepared a leaflet which was distributed to around 3,000 of the candidates standing for election. We are deep into preparations to do the same again this time around. 

"We must ensure that politicians understand and take account the invaluable role of pets in society and the part our industry plays in keeping pets healthy and their owners happy. That says nothing of the economic benefits the country also derives from our sector in taxes.

"Encouragingly we have already heard from a shadow spokesperson on animal welfare that our thoughts will be taken into consideration as manifesto discussions proceed. We are also hopeful that we may be asked to make a presentation and discuss the points we have raised at the Associate Parliamentary Group on Animal Welfare ((APGAW)."

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