More aquatic retailers looking to move into the growth area of reptiles, claim Peregrine Livefoods

An increasing number of aquatic retailers are looking to move into the growth area of reptiles, according to award-winning Peregrine Livefoods.
The company has just experienced a highly successful AQUA 2015 show, the second time it has exhibited at the event.
“The synergy between aquatics and reptiles continues, and we have made contact with a number of aquatic retailers looking to move into the growth area of reptiles,” said Peregrine’s Sally Goldthorpe.
"With our wide range of products and 27 years of reptile expertise, we are able to supply not only the dry goods, but also the reptile and livefood required and to advise on what product selection will work best."
Peregrine picked up the award for the Best New Reptile Product in the AQUA New Product Showcase for its new additions to the “Life series“ of specie- specific substrates, which now includes Beardie Life, Leo Life and Crestie Life. These substrates are designed with the specific requirements of bearded dragons, leopard geckos and crested geckos in mind. The exciting new Cavern Kit from Zoo Med also entered by Peregrine Livefoods was marked as highly recommended in the same category.