Pooch & Mutt reach Facebook milestone with 50,000 followers
Pooch & Mutt now has over 50,000 followers on Facebook. The naturally powered pet health company also has a strong following on Instagram and Twitter as well.
Pooch & Mutt are also the first UK dog food company to combine functional ingredients with premium ingredients in their full product range. With over 50,000 followers on Facebook, Pooch & Mutt post regular updates regarding independent stockists, charity events and dog friendly businesses they support. The company ethos is to help all dogs lead happy, healthy lives in the UK and beyond. Guy Blaskey, founder of the company, is a well-known and respected figure in the pet industry as he has a strong background in nutrition, health and marketing. With a keen interest in social media, Blaskey has given many talks about the importance of social media activity for independent retailers. If you are a current stockist of Pooch & Mutt products, please email Samantha@poochandmutt.com to added to the online Stockist Finder and featured on social media platforms.