March Pet Shop owner Robert Phipps has been disqualified from keeping dogs for 18 months following a court appearance in Peterborough.The disqualification follows an appeal hearing against a court sentencing in February this year when Phipps was found guilty of three animal welfare charges:
- Between January 6 2014 and February 28 2014 at Commercial Road premises he failed to meet the needs for a suitable environment for 34 dogs.
- Between the same dates at the Commercial Road premises he failed to meet the needs of 34 dogs by failing to provide an appropriate supply of fresh drinking water.
- And also he failed to meet the needs of one dog because it was housed in such circumstances that it was able to fight through the cage bars.
The court heard the RSPCA was given information that Phipps, who ran JJ Rescue, was keeping dogs in cramped conditions in cages at his Commercial Road warehouse and they were obliged to investigate.
What they found were two smallish rooms each housing 17 dogs in metal cages. One room was a closed internal space without fresh air or natural light.
Video evidence shows dog crates stacked on top of each other, some three cages high.
Recorder Ian Glen said: “We’re quite satisfied that your heart was in the right place, but we think a breathing space will do you some good. In order that you can come up with a business plan and get your act together in the care of your dogs.”
As well as the disqualification Phipps was ordered to pay £2,000 in court costs - £1,000 for the earlier appearance in February and £1,000 for today’s proceedings.
He was also ordered to pay a £60 victim surcharge.