In This Issue
Tetra’s top five tips for maximising sales of aquatics this Christmas
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Tetra’s top five tips for maximising sales of aquatics this Christmas

The festive season brings a potential peak sales period for many retailers. Offering a unique, thoughtful and educational gift can provide many shoppers with the inspiration they need over this time and subsequently maximise your sales over this peak period.

This week Tetra brings you five top tips for maximising sales...

1. Sell a concept, not a product – gift a goldfish

Customers will be on the lookout for original present ideas for their loved ones around Christmas, so retailers can use this opportunity to promote the concept of a goldfish as a Christmas present. Great for children and adults alike, the ‘gift of a goldfish’ is sure to be a showstopper of a present and is guaranteed to get a better reaction that the usual socks and smellies!

2. Target to parents – a fish can make a great first pet and a great gift for Christmas

A goldfish is a great first pet for children; low budget and low maintenance, it is the ideal experience to teach them the importance of caring for an animal. Tetra’s Peppa Pig tank is the perfect starter kit for children with everything to discover the fun of fishkeeping. As well as encouraging repeat purchases, retailers can also welcome new fish keepers into the hobby and encourage future sales. If a consumer’s first experience within your store is a positive one, then they are more likely to remain loyal to your store.

3. Upsell a starter kit

Everyone knows the childhood disappointment of being given a new toy at Christmas which hasn’t come with batteries. To avoid the same kind of disappointment this year, encourage customers to buy a bundle of products as well as the tank so that the fun can begin as soon as the gift is opened.

Tetra’s Peppa Pig Aquarium and Tetra AquaArt Explorer Line Aquarium both come with an additional starter kit including food (TetraMin or Tetra Goldfish) and water treatments (Tetra AquaSafe, Tetra Easybalance) which will allow customers to sample the products and will encourage repeat purchase. Alternatively, retailers can create their own Christmas bundles for customers looking to gift a goldfish, with price promotions to attract customers searching for original presents.

4. Highlight tanks in store

Highlighting the tanks (and associated products such as food and water treatments) within your store over the festive period can fill the consumer with inspiration and lead them to make a purchase. A wet display tank (i.e. fully set up and maintained) can also provide retailers with a creative method to show off their most impressive merchandise and fish: A good wet display will leave non-fishkeepers feeling dazzled, encouraging them to consider the gift of a goldfish this Christmas.


Educate your staff on this gifting opportunity

Staff should be ready to highlight the additional products required for on-going maintenance of a tank bought for Christmas. Your staff are the first point of contact for shoppers and they will have the most engagement with customers in store so it is vital they are kept up to date on your Christmas selling strategy.

For more information about any products in the Tetra range, please visit or email

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