Frozzys helps dog with eating condition
 Frozzys, the lickable frozen yoghurt for dogs, has helped an owner to treat her poorly pup.Samantha emailed Frozzys saying: “My pup loves Frozzys! She has been very ill and at death’s door due to a condition called megaesophogus, which is where the food doesn't go down properly and leads to a lot of weight loss and pneumonia. “Her food has to be of a certain consistency and she needs to be fed upright so the food falls down into her stomach. This means she can't have ‘normal’ dog treats or biscuits “However when I saw your product it seemed perfect for her. She could lick it slowly so it goes down her throat and she loves the taste of it! It's the only treat she's allowed and I'm so pleased I found something tasty that she can handle with her condition. “I will definitely be recommending you to all others who have dogs with megaesophagus.”