The Bistro cat feeder is claimed to be the “smartest cat feeder ever”, and it’s capable of monitoring your pet’s health in addition to feeding it!
Facial recognition tech is one of the most impressive (if slightly over the top) features on the Bistro feeder, with the food dispenser capable of recognising which cat it’s feeding, making it ideal if you’ve got multiple felines in the house, and you’ll get a notification if an unrecognised cat is attempting to feed.
Bistro gets a webcam, so you can actually keep an eye on the cats that are eating, and there’s a companion app for your smartphone where you can even monitor your cat’s eating history – helping to keep it healthy. Concerned he or she isn’t eating as much as before? It’s certainly a lot easier to keep an eye on things with Bistro.
The Bistro app can also make dietary suggestions, helping you cat to stay in tip-top condition, with the feeder itself making sure your cat is fed the right amounts even if you’re not around for the day!
The clever tech doesn’t stop there either, as there are integrated scales built-in to monitor the weight of your kitty when it’s eating, making it easy to keep tabs on your cat.
Check out the Bistro in action below: