In This Issue
Procter & Gamble set to exit pet food with sale of European business to Spectrum Brands
Heartache for Billy+Margot owner as her beloved dog dies from suspected poisoning
Natural Bakery acquires Hungry Hector brands
Pooch & Mutt founder to deliver 'internet masterclass' for The Guardian
Precious Pets London proves to be a big hit in China
OATA lobbies MEPs in advance of Euro Animal Welfare Conference
Lily's Kitchen launches Christmas range
Pets At Home Vets Group opens 300th vet practice
New wildlife habitats designed for city living
Pets’ key role in UK society should be recognised in party manifestos, says ProPets
Major launches and world class entertainment at Hagen’s Trade Exhibition
Raising awareness of the hedgehog carers
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BETA introduces breed specific nutrition
The UK’s Number 1* normal nutrition specialist brand is proud to announce the launch of the new BETA Breed Specific Range.
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Heartache for Billy+Margot owner as her beloved dog dies from suspected poisoning

Devasted Billy+Margot owner Marie Sawle has urged other dog owners to take extra care in the countryside after her beloved pet died from suspected poisoning.

Marie's three-year-old Labrador Louis was suddenly taken ill and died from massive liver and kidney failure.

A post-mortem examination revealed the dog probably died from a man-made poison commonly used to cull badgers and foxes.

Marie believes Louis ate poison-laden bait while they walked on a footpath that crossed farmland somewhere between her home in Hambledon and Soberton.

She told Pet Trade Xtra: "It is nearly a month since we lost him but we are still finding it incredibly hard. He was such a happy boy, the house is so empty without him. We are trying to keep Margot very busy but she is also finding it hard." 

The death has come as a major blow to Marie and her husband Andrew Jones as Louis ‘gave her away’ at their wedding at The Kennels at Goodwood, near Chichester, earlier this year.

Marie, who set up her own pet company and appeared on BBC’s Dragons’ Den, said: "We are trying to move on, but the grief has been pretty intense. Sadly, Andrew and I couldn’t have children, so our dogs were literally our children. I have shed more tears than I have in a long time."

Marie is urging dog walkers to be vigilant and says farmers should put up signs if poisoned bait is being used.

She said: "Although farmers are permitted to protect their crops and livestock, they must do it in a way that does not endanger the lives of other animals such as dogs.

"If you’re in an unfamiliar area, keep your dogs close and look out for anything your dog shows an interest in eating.

"Through better awareness I hope dog owners will seek help immediately if they notice their dog suddenly becomes unwell, which may stop the poisoning becoming fatal."

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