CSJ’s Lap-It-Up is tops for hot dogs and for puppies
CSJ’s milk replacer, launched last year, is now recognised as top of class for re-hydrating hot dogs plus hard-working and sporting dogs as well as those recovering from illness. Used in diluted form, Lap-It-Up encourages dogs to drink, so rehydrate and recover quickly. CSJ receive regular accolades from grateful owners who have also used Lap-It-Up to raise puppies – here's a typical example from Robin Pearson. "A regular client of mine brought a tub of Lap-It-Up from me as her Terrier was expecting a litter of pups. In the meantime, her friend's German Shepherd Dog whelped and sadly died after giving birth to five pups. After some frantic phone calls, my client came to the rescue and is hand feeding the orphans using Lap-It-Up. "Three weeks on, the smallest pup lost its fight for life, but the remaining four are progressing well. I will be making sure I have some more in stock ready for when my English Springer whelps her expected 10 pups next month." For more information visit www.csjk9.com or call 01745 710470.