Trude Mostue, star of the BBC hit programmes Vet School and Vets in Practice, will be at PATS Telford non Sunday and Monday with her new company Dr Krill Ltd. Here she speaks exclusively to Pet Trade Xtra about her latest venture.
How long have you been working on your new product?
I have been working on the KrillBar for the last two years but I have treated most of my dog patients with skin complaints and joint complaints with Krill Omega 3 for 10 years. The effects have been incredible. There are so many allergic dogs with skin problems - they have all done remarkable well on Krill. This is what triggered my idea of producing the KrillBar - which is very different from any other product on the market, being a highly efficient Omega 3 supplement and treat - in the form of a 'chocolate' bar..
Is it a dog treat or can it be given as pet food?
The KrillBar is a treat and a supplement. It can be given with the dog's food or on its own. It can be used as a treatment and as a preventative supplement. Most of my customers use it as a treat - but some of them also like to give it on the top of the food to give the dog food a nice smell. Dogs love the smell of krill.
What are its health benefits?
The KrillBar is made of Krill Omega 3 and an antioxidant - it is a highly efficient source of Omega 3 in comparison to Omega 3 from fish or seal oil. The Krill Omega 3 is absorbed faster and contains antioxidants too. This means its more efficient in smaller volumes and doses (no mess with oils). The health benefits are many - all dogs of all ages and breeds can benefit from Krill Omega 3. It helps improve brain development (excellent for growing puppies). It has anti inflammatory effect on joints and inflammatory processes elsewhere in the body. I have used high doses to treat cronic itchy dogs.The effect on skin is amazing, making the skin and coat shiny and healthy. Omega 3 stimulates the immune system too, lymaking dogs more resilient to infections and disease. This effect is particular obvious to dogs with chronic skin disease due to demodex (poor immune system).
What does it contain?
The KrilllBar contains high levels of Krill Omega 3 and anthaxin (antioxidant). I use the same krill source in the KrillBar as Boots use in their Omega Red, only the best for our dogs.
Is it on sale in other European countries or it is being launched now?
I decided to launch it in the UK first of all - but I am aiming to launch in the USA and Asia too. I am actually selling the KrillBar through Pets At Home and Barkers already (It's on a trial in Pets At Home). But I haven´t officially launched the KrillBar yet - as I have waited for PATS Telford.
Why did you pick PATS Telford for its UK launch?
In my opinion it is the best place to launch a pet product in the UK - it gives you good and professional exposure .
Will you be supplying British retailers direct or go through a distributor/wholesaler?
I will be doing both but also through vets' surgeries.
Is the first of many products which you hope to launch under the Dr Krill banner?
Yes, I am so impressed about the effect of Krill on dogs health so I am planning more products to be launched next year.