Ingleby Pet Supplies crowned Independent Retailer of the Year

Less than two years after opening, Ingleby Pet Supplies has been crowned Independent Retailer of the Year at the Pet Industry Awards.
Owner Dawn Worton reveals to Pet Trade Xtra how the Teeside pet store has achieved so much success in such a short space of time.
How did your success story begin? Ingleby Pet Supplies opened in March 2014 and is owned by myself and my husband Craig.
How many people work in the shop now? I work in the shop full time. We have just recruited a trainee assistant, Casie, with the help of Stockton Council, who works part time. My husband Craig occassionally helps out and my eight-year-old son Harry enjoys helping and is very popular with our customers!
Do you attract customers from a wide area? Most of our business is local. However, we do have customers who travel for specific brands, and we have just launched our e-commerce site to enable customers from all over the UK to access our products.
How do you attract new customers? We are very pro-active in working to attract new customers. We have advertised locally, have social media and word of mouth. Craig has also been known to get dressed up in a dog costume from time to time!

How do you keep customers loyal? I think many of our customers remain loyal because they know we provide good customer service and spend time speaking to them about their pets and requirements. Many of our customers like to support local independent business. We also run various loyalty schemes through our suppliers.
What’s the secret of your success? I don't think there is a secret to our success. We keep the shop clean and tidy and clutter free. We work long hours and only stock good quality brands which have been carefully selected.

What does this award mean to you? Winning this award has given us a massive confidence boost. We took a huge risk opening the shop and it's good to know that the hard work and long hours are paying off.
What are your plans for the future? Our plans for the future are to continue growing and developing the business. We are still working to promote the online side of the business and we are interviewing later this week for a dog groomer to start work in our new grooming studio in early 2016.
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