In This Issue
Procter & Gamble set to exit pet food with sale of European business to Spectrum Brands
Heartache for Billy+Margot owner as her beloved dog dies from suspected poisoning
Natural Bakery acquires Hungry Hector brands
Pooch & Mutt founder to deliver 'internet masterclass' for The Guardian
Precious Pets London proves to be a big hit in China
OATA lobbies MEPs in advance of Euro Animal Welfare Conference
Lily's Kitchen launches Christmas range
Pets At Home Vets Group opens 300th vet practice
New wildlife habitats designed for city living
Pets’ key role in UK society should be recognised in party manifestos, says ProPets
Major launches and world class entertainment at Hagen’s Trade Exhibition
Raising awareness of the hedgehog carers
Pet Trade Xtra New Products Guide
BETA introduces breed specific nutrition
The UK’s Number 1* normal nutrition specialist brand is proud to announce the launch of the new BETA Breed Specific Range.
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Procter & Gamble set to exit pet food with sale of European business to Spectrum Brands
Procter & Gamble Co is set to sell the last of its pet food business to consumer products company Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc, whose brands include Tetra and Furminator, as it focuses on more profitable lines such as Tide detergent, Gillette razors and Pampers diapers...

Procter & Gamble Co is set to sell the last of its pet food business to consumer products company Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc, whose brands include Tetra and Furminator, as it focuses on more profitable lines such as Tide detergent, Gillette razors and Pampers diapers.

The company, which had been under pressure from investors to exit the pet food category, sold 80% of its global pet food business, including the Iams and Eukanuba brands, to privately held confectioner Mars Inc for $2.9 billion in April.

Mars later acquired an additional 10% stake for an undisclosed amount. Europe accounted for most of the rest of the business.

Spectrum said the deal gave it access to the $21 billion European dog and cat food market.

Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Spectrum's shares were up 2.9% at $88.65 in early trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday (Tuesday). P&G's shares were up 0.5% at $84.86.

P&G said last month it would consider selling 90 to 100 brands whose sales have been declining for the past three years as it seeks to revive growth and save costs.

P&G's European pet food business has annual sales of about $200 million.

Heartache for Billy+Margot owner as her beloved dog dies from suspected poisoning

Devasted Billy+Margot owner Marie Sawle has urged other dog owners to take extra care in the countryside after her beloved pet died from suspected poisoning...

Devasted Billy+Margot owner Marie Sawle has urged other dog owners to take extra care in the countryside after her beloved pet died from suspected poisoning.

Marie's three-year-old Labrador Louis was suddenly taken ill and died from massive liver and kidney failure.

A post-mortem examination revealed the dog probably died from a man-made poison commonly used to cull badgers and foxes.

Marie believes Louis ate poison-laden bait while they walked on a footpath that crossed farmland somewhere between her home in Hambledon and Soberton.

She told Pet Trade Xtra: "It is nearly a month since we lost him but we are still finding it incredibly hard. He was such a happy boy, the house is so empty without him. We are trying to keep Margot very busy but she is also finding it hard." 

The death has come as a major blow to Marie and her husband Andrew Jones as Louis ‘gave her away’ at their wedding at The Kennels at Goodwood, near Chichester, earlier this year.

Marie, who set up her own pet company and appeared on BBC’s Dragons’ Den, said: "We are trying to move on, but the grief has been pretty intense. Sadly, Andrew and I couldn’t have children, so our dogs were literally our children. I have shed more tears than I have in a long time."

Marie is urging dog walkers to be vigilant and says farmers should put up signs if poisoned bait is being used.

She said: "Although farmers are permitted to protect their crops and livestock, they must do it in a way that does not endanger the lives of other animals such as dogs.

"If you’re in an unfamiliar area, keep your dogs close and look out for anything your dog shows an interest in eating.

"Through better awareness I hope dog owners will seek help immediately if they notice their dog suddenly becomes unwell, which may stop the poisoning becoming fatal."

Natural Bakery acquires Hungry Hector brands

Pet biscuit manufacturer Natural Bakery Ltd, producer of the Betty Miller range, has bought the troubled Hungry Hector brand... 

Pet biscuit manufacturer Natural Bakery Ltd, producer of the Betty Miller range, has bought the troubled Hungry Hector brand.

Managing Director Ken Harper said: "Hungry Hector has established itself as a quality range of natural products and we are delighted to have the opportunity to take it to the next level and develop its far reaching potential." 

Production of the products is likely to move to the company’s Daventry bakery, but Mr Harper added: "We are very aware of the heritage of the brand and are committed to maintaining the integrity of the products." 

It is expected that the transition will take several weeks to complete. 

Natural Bakery already produces two of its own brands, Betty Miller and The Natural Way. For more information including updates on Hungry Hector contact Natural Bakery on 01327 315310 or email

Pet Trade Xtra reported a month ago that the Hungry Hector business was struggling, with speculation circulating that the company had gone into administration.

Pooch & Mutt founder to deliver 'internet masterclass' for The Guardian

Pooch & Mutt’s founder Guy Blaskey has been chosen to present a Masterclass in association with The Guardian on 'How to use the internet to develop your business'.

Pooch & Mutt’s founder Guy Blaskey has been chosen to present a Masterclass in association with The Guardian on 'How to use the internet to develop your business'.

The Masterclass will take place at The Guardian’s head office on October 21st. Places are limited to 30 and cost £99 per person.

The evening offers simple, practical advice on the initial steps for establishing a startup and building a brand, from setting up an online retail website to getting your products into the shops. Topics covered on the evening include:

  • Why there are no jobs for life anymore… and why now’s the time to start something of your own
  • Product development in the internet age
  • Using technology to keep your company lean, and your costs low
  • Setting up URLs, website, e-commerce, social media, analytics and more
  • Finding and interacting with customers: PPC, SEO, newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogging, videos
  • Growing from online to retail: what you need to know – and plan
  • An interactive Q&A session to get help with your plans

Guy says: “Taking advantage of the internet is not something exclusive to online business. Even if you don’t plan on selling online there are thousands of ways to use the internet to build your business, from applying for trademarks to contacting journalists on twitter. This Masterclass is designed to give an overview of what has worked for Pooch & Mutt, and what other people can copy.”

For more information and to reserve a place click here

Precious Pets London proves to be a big hit in China

Following its appearance at the international trade show Interzoo in May, Precious Pets London has been exporting its luxury grooming products all over the world, and is now finding success in the Asian market...

Following its appearance at the international trade show Interzoo in May, Precious Pets London has been exporting its luxury grooming products all over the world, and is now finding success in the Asian market. 

The company reported great success at the recent Shanghai Pet Fair Asia show where its Chinese distributor launched the range from a huge custom-made stand.

At the UK trade show, PATS Harrogate, the Chinese team came to report the response and were shocked by the instant success it had.

Gregory Nash, cofounder, explains: “At PATS we arranged meetings with several of our larger existing clients, as well as new ones. We were pleased that not only was the UK show a success for us, but that when we met up with the UK representatives of our Chinese distributor, they reported that the launch of our products had gone even better than they had hoped in Shanghai.”

The Chinese distributor has now confirmed that due to the success he will be having another Precious Pets stand at the next national show in Beijing. The team is hoping that other distributors planning to introduce the range to their own markets at shows in Italy, Greece, Taiwan and Japan will have as much success as the Chinese.

The products weren’t only a triumph within the Chinese market, but they also received several enquiries from neighbouring countries, such as Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea and Malaysia.

The interest the show raised from other Asian countries came as no surprise to the UK team, as they had already started to export to some of these countries themselves, due to enquiries they had received since their first year of trade.

“It seems a little strange that we are still growing and establishing ourselves within the UK and have just started to export to several European countries, yet the biggest demand by far seems to be coming to Asia. With a brand like ours, it’s not such a surprise to be receiving enquiries from other regions, such as north America or Australasia, but when we first started to get so many enquiries from Asian nations we were genuinely taken back, says Charlotte Nash, cofounder.

However, with the international economic pendulum swinging in Asia’s direction and an increasing demand for European luxury goods, it doesn’t come as that much of a surprise that Asia could be the future of European luxury brands and pet care products.

OATA lobbies MEPs in advance of Euro Animal Welfare Conference

The Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association is writing to all UK MEPs in advance of a conference on animal welfare organised by Eurogroup for Animals...

The Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association is writing to all UK MEPs in advance of a conference on animal welfare organised by Eurogroup for Animals.

The Brussels-based group is staging a two-day conference in October following up on a number of campaigns they have around animals in the EU, from horses to pigs and ‘exotic pets’.

“We’re only a small trade association so we can’t afford to put on such impressive – and expensive – conference in the heart of the European Parliament but we still want our point of view heard on the subject of exotic pets,” said OATA’s Chief Executive Keith Davenport.

“So in advance of the conference we have written to all the UK MEPs and urged our European counterparts to do the same with their representatives. We’ve also alerted other organisations which represent the other industries coming under fire at this conference that it’s taking place, in case they should want to do their own lobbying on the subject.

“Eurogroup for Animals’ conference is called Putting Animal Welfare at the heart of Europe – that’s a fine aim and one that we would of course support within our own industry. We believe that people who trade in fish or keep them as a hobby have the welfare of their animals at the heart of what they do.

“But we also want to make sure that MEPs realise that keeping exotic pets – like fish – is not a ‘bad’ thing and brings social, economic and environmental benefits not just to people in Europe but across the world.

“In our mailing to MEPs we have given them information highlighting that wild caught and exotic ornamental fish are good news for everyone, along with some facts around the economic benefits the pet industry brings to the UK and Europe.”

This is the latest element in the trade association’s #handsoffmyhobby campaign and builds on activity by pet trade association coalition ProPets’ activity to get the benefits of pet ownership recognised as a benefit to society in the run-up to next year’s UK election. 

In the run-up to the May European elections, Eurogroup for Animals encouraged MEPs and candidates to pledge to ‘ban the import of wild-caught animals and restrict the number of exotic species that can be imported and traded in the EU.’ OATA launched its #handsoffmyhobby in reply to this which continues to highlight the social, environmental and economic benefit of wild caught and exotic pets such as fish.

For more information about what OATA has sent to MEPs visit

Lily's Kitchen launches Christmas range

To drive festive footfall and convert it into incremental sales, Lily’s Kitchen has developed a unique collection of lovely Christmas products just for Lily’s Kitchen Signature Range stockists. The range will be supported with bespoke Christmas themed posters and leaflets to help drive awareness in pet shops...

To drive festive footfall and convert it into incremental sales, Lily’s Kitchen has developed a unique collection of lovely Christmas products just for Lily’s Kitchen Signature Range stockists. The range will be supported with bespoke Christmas themed posters and leaflets to help drive awareness in pet shops.

The company will also be running its Lily’s Kitchen Christmas Window Display competition, where one lucky stockists will win £150 worth of products.

A Lily’s Kitchen Advent Calendar for Dogs

The arrival of the first ever Lily's Kitchen Advent Calendar means that December mornings will be as exciting for dogs as they are for the rest of the family. A hand-baked treat awaits behind every window and there is added surprise detail with a different illustration behind each window when opened.    

Lily’s Kitchen Three Bird Feast for Dogs

Lily has been busy cooking up a new addition to the range for Christmas 2014 to ensure that dogs can also enjoy some wonderful festive food and retailers can enjoy a seasonal sales boost. Three Bird Feast is a grain free recipe containg freshly-prepared turkey, goose, and duck, combined with parsnips, Swiss chard, carrots, cranberries, apples and thyme.

Lily’s Kitchen Fabulously Festive Christmas Biscuits 
for Dogs

Lily's Kitchen limited edition Fabulously Festive Christmas Biscuits make their return this holiday season. These bite-sized, heart-shaped biscuits are hand-baked and 100% natural, bursting with freshly-prepared turkey, liver, cranberries and thyme, plus a sprinkling of cinnamon.

To order your Christmas range including posters and leaflets, contact the Lily’s Kitchen dedicated trade team on 020 7433 6979 or email

Pets At Home Vets Group opens 300th vet practice
Pets At Home has opened its 300th vet practice under the Vets4Pets brand inside the Pets At Home store in Eastleigh, Hampshire...

Pets At Home has opened its 300th vet practice under the Vets4Pets brand inside the Pets At Home store in Eastleigh, Hampshire.

It marks the latest milestone for the rapidly growing vet business, which has opened 58 surgeries this calendar year and is now the largest operator of small animal vet practices in the UK.

Sally Hopson, CEO of Pets At Home’s Vets Group, said: “I’m delighted to be opening our 300th vet practice, which is testament to the hard work of everyone in our Vets group. Wherever we have opened, customers have responded enthusiastically to our state-of-the-art practices and our convenient opening hours.

"For vets, our joint venture model provides the support they need to run their business, allowing them to focus on what they really love, which is looking after the health of animals.

"We are delivering our growth strategy, and continue to work towards our target of over 700 practices in the UK, both in Pets At Home stores and in standalone locations.”

Pets At Home’s vet practices trade under the Vets4Pets and Companion Care brands, and are operated on a joint venture basis in partnership with the 358 vets who operate the practices. 181 of the practices are located in Pets At Home stores and 119 are standalone practices.

Vets4Pets Eastleigh is owned and managed by Mark Collins, Joint Venture Partner & Veterinary Surgeon and is situated inside the newly refurbished Pets At Home store. The brand new high-tech vet practice sits on a purpose built mezzanine with a lift, alongside a Groom Room grooming salon.

Like all new practices, it is fully equipped with digital x-ray facilities, an in-house laboratory, full operating theatre and isolation units. Clients benefit from spacious waiting areas and 7-day opening, until 7pm on weekdays, offering real convenience to clients.  The practice was officially opened by Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Eastleigh, Tony and Janice Noyce.

Mark explains: “I am incredibly proud and excited to be opening my own veterinary practice in my home town.  I have been lucky enough to find an excellent team that I am confident will provide the very highest level of care to the animals of Eastleigh. 

The support I have received is fantastic – it is like having my own team of accountants, architects, business advisors, buyers, HR and an excellent marketing team, all things that a traditional practice could only dream of. And that means I can provide a better service to my clients and concentrate on being a good vet.” 

New wildlife habitats designed for city living
The new Urban/City range is an innovation from Wildlife World designed specifically for people who enjoy nature in an urban environment, yet have little outdoor space...

The new Urban/City range is an innovation from Wildlife World designed specifically for people who enjoy nature in an urban environment, yet have little outdoor space. The range is ideal for people living in apartments or who have balconies or outdoor roof space at their city homes.

There are four products in the Urban/City range, these being a bee and insect hotel; a bird nest box, a bird feeder table; and an insect winter home and summer refuge.

As with all Wildlife World products, these newly designed habitats have been exhaustively researched before bringing to market.  The company’s passion for not only nature, but also the environment is reflected in the materials which are used for the new range.  The boxes themselves are made from a patented composite material of 70% clay and 30% recycled plastic which is immensely strong with high environmental credentials. 

Each of the products feature slide-in inserts made from FSC wood which as a natural material allows breathability and at the same time they are attractive geometric designs.

Designed to be mounted directly to a wall, the Urban/City range of bird boxes and insect habitats are finished in white and can be mounted ‘square-on,’ or for a more creative look can be mounted diagonally to present a diamond shape.   There are also back plates available in colours to fit in with a building scheme.   

Wildlife World’s Managing Director Norman Sellars comments: “This is a very exciting move for us and takes us into new territory.  The range will have global reach as the product designs are to suit all international urban environments.” 

Further information is available from Wildlife World on 01666 505333, by emailing, or by visiting the company’s website at

Pets’ key role in UK society should be recognised in party manifestos, says ProPets
ProPets, a coalition of pet trade associations, is calling on political parties to recognise the benefit that pets bring to society in the manifestos they will launch in the run-up to next year’s election...

ProPets, a coalition of pet trade associations, is calling on political parties to recognise the benefit that pets bring to society in the manifestos they will launch in the run-up to next year’s election.

In a five point call to action, ProPets also wants to see all political parties commit to introducing school pets into the National Curriculum so that pupils learn about looking after animals and to introduce secondary legislation to ensure consistent welfare standards in pets shops and other organisations such as rehoming centres and breeders.

The coalition of seven trade associations has created a document highlighting the benefits to society of pets, the members and aims of ProPets and outlining what it would like to see in party manifestos, which has been circulated to key politicians in the biggest political parties. It plans to follow this up with another publication, to be sent to all candidates standing for election in May 2015. 

Keith Davenport of the Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association (OATA), who is currently acting as Chair of Propets, said: "The seven participating trade associations understand that we have common members and by co-operating can bring high level messages that we have in common onto the political stage at this vital time.

"At the last election we prepared a leaflet which was distributed to around 3,000 of the candidates standing for election. We are deep into preparations to do the same again this time around. 

"We must ensure that politicians understand and take account the invaluable role of pets in society and the part our industry plays in keeping pets healthy and their owners happy. That says nothing of the economic benefits the country also derives from our sector in taxes.

"Encouragingly we have already heard from a shadow spokesperson on animal welfare that our thoughts will be taken into consideration as manifesto discussions proceed. We are also hopeful that we may be asked to make a presentation and discuss the points we have raised at the Associate Parliamentary Group on Animal Welfare ((APGAW)."

Major launches and world class entertainment at Hagen’s Trade Exhibition
The 2014 Hagen Exhibition showcased some of the biggest launches to hit the pet market over the next few months. With an attendance of around 300 and performances from Kevin Bridges and Richard Branson's corporate band of choice Sway, this year's event was one to remember...

The 2014 Hagen Exhibition showcased some of the biggest launches to hit the pet market over the next few months. With an attendance of around 300 and performances from Kevin Bridges and Richard Branson's corporate band of choice Sway, this year's event was one to remember.

Here are some of the highlights...

Nerf Dog captured everyone's attention during the 2 day event and was a key focus of the show with a large display in the lobby area, including a full merchandised display and a target board to allow Hagen’s guests to practice their throwing skills! Hagen are intent on capturing a slice of the huge dog accessory market and have also launched a new throw and retrieve toy called ‘Bomber’ which as well as being tough and durable also has the benefit of floating on water. A great retail display stand is available, including an inbuilt promotional video.

Another new arrival for dogs was the Fisherman’s Daughter dog food and treat range. Made from the highest quality ingredients, including Scottish salmon and potato and beautifully packaged, the food also benefits from a unique ingredient called Pacifica Padonica, a calcium booster that can aid bone and joint development.

A large new range of high quality cat furniture under the ‘Vesper’ brand was showcased on an island display. Featuring beautiful wood finishes, luxurious memory foam mattresses and high quality plush fabrics, Vesper furniture is a cat lover’s dream.

The full Vivexotic vivarium range was showcased, with the emphasis on the Viva+ range which has notable improvements over the previous iteration of Viva vivariums including EasyVent, a unique cable management system.

The Exo Terra room held a large display showcasing new Crested Gecko kits, a kit developed following an expedition and extensive studies of Crested Geckos in their natural habitat in New Caledonia. Also on display was ‘Habisphere’, a desktop lifestyle terrarium ideal for invertebrates with a curved glass front, touch control LED lighting and interchangeable backgrounds. Many other Exo Terra innovations were on display including a scorpion light, a T-Rex skull decorative hide and an infrared thermometer, all due to launch over the coming months.

The aquatic room showcased some major 2015 releases from Fluval, including a 72L, 80cm version of the iconic Fluval Edge aquarium. Available in freshwater and marine variations with high end LED lighting and a new ‘smart’ filtration system, this aquarium stole the show and will be launched in 2015. A new generation of Fluval’s high output LED lighting showed great improvements over the current range, including 20% higher lumen output, an on board touch dimming feature and optional wifi control via a smartphone or tablet app. An LED accent light known as ‘Prism’ will come with a remote control allowing a multitude of colour variations and effects to create whatever mood you desire.

Last but certainly not least came Hagen’s Laguna pond range with its spring 2015 range on display. The popular Pressure Flo filter has been updated, making it easier to use and clean, more powerful and more durable. A new all in one pump, filter and UV unit known as the Powerclear Multi claims to be the most effective all in one on the market, with the power to run a waterfall as well as a fountain and a revolutionary new bio-mechanical filtration system.

On the Sunday night Hagen’s guests were treated to a four course dinner, preceeded by a fast and frantic Nerf Dog target game with randomly selected audience members, the winner, Vyv Thompson from Trust Pet Products receiving an iPad mini! After dinner came a set from Scottish comedian Kevin Bridges, followed by Richard Branson’s corporate band of choice the Sway Allstars Orchestra who had the dance floor filled from start to finish. A great night was had by all!

For more information on new products from Hagen please contact your Hagen Sales Manager or call 01977 556622. 

Raising awareness of the hedgehog carers
Ark Wildlife is sponsoring the Ark Hedgehog Heroes BIG Giveaway to the sum of £2,500 during October to help raise awareness of the wonderful network of dedicated carers who give their time rushing to the aid of sick and injured hedgehogs day and night...

Ark Wildlife is sponsoring the Ark Hedgehog Heroes BIG Giveaway to the sum of £2,500 during October to help raise awareness of the wonderful network of dedicated carers who give their time rushing to the aid of sick and injured hedgehogs day and night.

Throughout October, if you know somebody who takes in sick or injured hedgehogs you can nominate or vote for them by visiting You can vote for anyone on the list or add your own nomination. They don’t need to be a registered charity, just someone dedicating their own time to care for vulnerable hedgehogs. Votes count in the BIG Giveaway, so remember to tell all your friends about it as the carer with the most votes overall will also receive a gift pack to the value of £500.

Sean McMenemy Director of Ark Wildlife says: “We’ve been proud sponsors of the Ark Hedgehog Heroes BIG Giveaway since its inception and we know from all the letters we receive what a huge help the donations make at this busy time of year”. He continues to explain “As well as financially helping the carers, last year’s event reached over 100,000 people and resulted in 100’s of additional orphan hedgehogs being brought in to care, young hedgehogs that otherwise would not have survived."

Ark Hedgehog Heroes BIG Giveaway runs every October as this is the busiest time for carers. This is when autumn orphans (late born hedgehog babies that haven’t grown large enough to hibernate) add to the number of hedgehogs already in care with injuries from road and garden accidents. As well as helping carers, the aim of the event is to raise greater public awareness of the plight of hedgehogs at this critical time of year.

The hedgehog was voted Britain’s National species in 2014 and is one of the best-loved creatures visiting our gardens. Being the only native mammal covered in spines it’s easily identified and the bumbling hedgehog can be seen in most gardens across the UK. However, this close association with man can also create dangers. Various common injuries can be caused by power tools such as strimmers and lawn mowers, and garden netting and other mesh items such as football goals can trap animals. Hedgehog’s have a habit of sleeping in leaf piles, compost heaps and bonfires and are therefore vulnerable to nasty injuries from garden forks and burns from fires.

You can find out more about Ark Hedgehog Heroes BIG Giveaway and other ways to help hedgehogs on the following websites.  – Sponsoring Hedgehog Heroes – British Hedgehog Preservation Society   - Campaigning for hedgehog friendly gardens

If you find a hedgehog in distress or out during the day, first call: 01584 890 801 or look online for your local hedgehog carer.

BETA introduces breed specific nutrition
The UK’s Number 1* normal nutrition specialist brand is proud to announce the launch of the new BETA Breed Specific Range.

The UK’s Number 1* normal nutrition specialist brand is proud to announce the launch of the new BETA Breed Specific Range.  As dog breed groups have similar characteristics and needs, BETA Breed Specific products offer high quality and Complete Dry Dog nutrition tailored for the 4 most popular breed families – Spaniels, Shepherds and Setters, Terriers and Retrievers.

The Advanced Nutrition category is currently the only segment of the market offering tailored nutrition for a variety of different breed types.  Pet owners believe their dogs are special and those shopping for Normal Nutrition brands in the Specialist channel are likely to be looking for tailored, quality nutrition too.  PURINA, with its 85 years of expertise in dog nutrition and behaviour has carefully developed the Breed Group Specific range offering tailored nutrition for specific breed groups.

It is important for consumers to understand how each recipe is tailored to the individual needs of the different breed types and the new pack format allows simple communication of the benefits for each breed.  There is also a strong visual link on front of pack to the breeds they are developed for and the imagery used.

Here is a summary of how each recipe has been specifically formulated for each breed type:

  • Spaniels are lively by nature which means they need a food that will sustain their energy needs throughout the day.  BETA Spaniels is specially formulated with high levels of protein and fat to help them maintain their extremely active nature and vitality for life.  Also suitable for hunting dogs.
  • Shepherds and Setters are natural born explorers but they can be more prone to sensitive digestion.  BETA Shepherds and Setters is specially formulated with ingredients that are easy on dog’s intestines and contains all the right nutrients to help keep muscle mass in peak condition.
  • Terriers are always on the lookout for adventure and love a good run around in the hope of finding it.  BETA Terriers formula is a balanced mix of nutrients designed to replenish energy, help maintain muscle mass and help keep bones strong and healthy.
  • Retrievers love playtime – and they also love mealtimes.  BETA Retrievers is a specially balanced formula with all the nutrients needed for a healthy, active life but with reduced fat levels compared with BETA Adult to help keep optimal body condition.

For more information please contact your PURINA Business Development Manager or visit

*Reg. Trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.

*IRI value share – Total pet specialist w/e 9th Nov 2013 (excluding PAH)

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